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The stars above you covered the sky, softly illuminating the area below. The roof beneath you spared no comfort on your back but gave you a spot to lay on as you gazed at the stars.

The vast open sky - an unexplored area of whatever world we lived in. Only those with the ability to fly knew what was up there and they could only go so far.

Stories of the sky spread as far as you knew of or... As far as it could. Travelers would appear from the ocean on ship, claiming that they knew of other lands.
Growing up you witness one of these meetings.
They were strange people, with a strange way of speaking - elegant if you asked anyone else. That scared you with their massive ships. Sails that were taller than the tallest trees known to man. They seemed other worldly at the time, but not so far fetched now.

Phil's voice echoed from below, "Y/n!" He called.
Sitting up and shifting to your hands and knees you crawled to the edge of the roof.
"I'm up here,"

Phil looked up at you, a relieved smile on his face. Turning around he opened his wings and prepped for the jump. You move back to your spot to make room for Phil.
He lands beside you with a small thud. His wings shudder as he tucks them in.
He sits down beside you, gaze transfixed on your face.

"You alright? It's cold out."
Turning your head to look at him you smiled. "Yeah I'm ok," He was always asking if you were ok, checking on you when you grew quiet. It helped a lot that he was there for you. It made you feel better. Sometimes however you found yourself worried for him as well.

"Are you ok?" You asked back.

Phil took a deep breath, "Yeah, just worried."
You turned onto to your side and leaned on your arm.
"About what?"

He took off his bucket hat and laid down beside you.
"The guard," he continued "It could be any day now that they come looking for Jonathan and then his killer,"

He was nervous, probably beyond belief. The guard as a whole given just three alone were powerful, you've seen them take down a powerful man with just two men. You knew why he was worried.

Scooting over and resting your head on the wood you slipped you hand into his. Squeezing it lightly in reassurance, "It's gonna be ok, they won't find us and if they do we'll be ready."

Phil looked at you. His heart fluttering at the feeling of your hand in his.

"Will we?"
When you nodded he could feel himself relax, allowing him to close his eyes and turn his head back up to the sky.

There were so many things he felt like he wanted to say to you and not a single way to say it. Just a few weeks ago you were a complete stranger, and now you were just as close to him as Techno was.
The first person to actually catch his attention and make him turn his head when you walked by just to get a glimpse of you.
Just your hand touching his made his body spark.

The stars above were bright, but your eyes stayed glued to Phil. His body laying against the wood beside you, wings tucked under him and his hat on his chest. A small smile on his lips and his eyes closed.
He was loyal, probably too kind. You wanted to say you loved him but something in you withheld and denied even loving him in the first place.

Around him it seemed like all your worries melted away. Even if being around him ment stress all the time you would never leave his side. He was to amazing to be looked down upon or mean too.

You knew that if anything happened you would have each other and at that point that's all that matters.

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now