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When you woke that morning you were greeted by Phil wrapping your arm in bandages from the night before.

"Morning," He greeted

The sun shone through the windows, filtering through Phil's feathers (which turned the tips from dark grey to golden) His gentle hands work their way back and forth on your arm, tightening the bandage and tying it off.
"Morning," you greeted hoarsely.

Sitting up with a groan you re-closed your eyes. Every muscle in your body ached and your head pounded from the fight, making it tiring to move. Phil rests a hand on your knee, a small frown on his face.
"You ok mate?"

Slowly laying back down against the arm of the couch and bringing a hand up to the bridge of your nose you sighed. (Just moving your arm hurt)

"Kinda," you crack open your eyes and look over at him. Lowering your arm and sliding your hand over his "My whole body hurts,"
Phil hums to himself, "Would you like me to grab you some breakfast?" He asked.

You could hear Techno in the kitchen moving around. Water ran in the background and plates could be heard being moved around. You could only guess that he has just finished making breakfast and was cleaning up.
"That would be nice,"

Phil nodded, standing and walking out of view. Leaning your head back you closed your eyes, the overwhelming throb in your head not helping your current shitty state - the cold wasn't helping much either.
Technoblade's footsteps made their way to the other chair, he let out a grunt as he plopped down.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, eyes watching you like a hawk. You opened your eyes and turned your head to the side to look at him.
"Like shit," you grumble.
Your grumbled pulled a small laugh from the usual stoic Techno that you were used to.

"It happens to the best of us." He says.

Apart from his normal attire he wears, you notice him sitting in a pink sweater, his hair pulled up into a bun. Gold glasses sit at the edge of his nose, Accentuating the red in his eyes. You can't help but notice the big brown book in his hands as he opens it. Fingers dragging across the page and getting comfortable for a good reading after a battle.

Phil come back around the couch, your plate in his hands. You sit up slowly trying not to cause more pain then their already was (obviously that didn't help much because you winced)

"Here you go mate," he says.

You take the plate into your hands and set in down against your thighs. Oatmeal, eggs, and sausage lay on the plate. Atop the grits melt a golden slab of melting butter. The smell brings a smile to your face.
"Thank you, Phil."
He smiles, nodding curtly and making his way over to the bookshelves.

Techno had eventually interrupted his own reading session to get up and begin cleaning up the bodies. Leaving you and Phil in the living room by yourselves.
Taking the last bite of your eggs you sigh and prepare to make your way into the kitchen. Dreading your journey you stand, stumbling at bit before gaining your ground.

"You need help?" Phil offers and stands up to help you. You shake your head and begin your way into the kitchen, every bone in your body cracking as you went.
Making your way back to the couch you sat down and leaned back.

Your eyes stayed on Phil the whole time. You hadn't had the chance to thank him or Techno for what they did last night. You probably would have fallen to your death if not for them.
Sitting on the other end of the couch Phil gazed down at a necklace in his hands. The silver chain held a small heart on the end.
Starting to feel cold you scoot towards him, laying against his shoulder and closing your eyes.
He didn't hesitate to put the necklace away and pull you closer with his wing - before he placed his arm around you.

His fingers gently combed through your hair. Humming a low tune to you, making you tired all over again. Content with your position you snuggled in closer and fell asleep just like that.

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now