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Edited 12/15/22

A loud smash startles you awake. Sitting straight up you look around your room confused. It's silent before another loud band shakes your bed and sends you leaping to the ground. Landing harshly you scramble to pick up your sword. Grasping tightly around the handle you throw open your door and rush into the livingroom.
Everything seems untouched, Sut's mewls for food accompanying you while you wait for another sound.
Finally you hear it again beneath your feet. Rushing over to the stairs you climb down and turn the sharp corner. As you do, sparks fly into the air around you. Lifting your sword your try to block most of the but fail, the small chips burn your skin.
"Jon! What the fuck?!" You yell.
He turns around, surprised to see you. "Oh hey-" the anvil slips from his hands and lands on the floor with another loud bang.
Glaring at him, you turn and make your way back upstairs. Tossing your sword on the counter you can hear his footsteps following you.
"This early in the morning." Taking a cup down from your cabinet you step over to the sink. "What the hell?"
You turn and make eye contact with him. "I thought you were going to leave before I got up."
He normally did. Leaving without a word and arriving without proper greeting. Such as his actions called for, this was unusual for him.
"No. I was going to stay. Just want to make sure he doesn't decide to drop by." Jon says.
You furrow your brow. "He?"
Jon nods. "That arsonist." The moment it comes from his mouth you snort and burst into a fit of laughter. Jon can feel his ego shrink for a moment before he speaks again.
"I'm serious! He's a dangerous man!" He gestures with his hands at his sides, palms facing you. Wiping imaginary tears you reach out and slap him in the chest.
"I'm not weak." You hiss. He seems taken aback by your sudden switch up. His eyes dart around before settling in the floor.
"Well. After what happened with with the Warden-" A grip on his neck as tight as ever catches him by surprise. With your hand around his throat and a grimace on your face you sneer at him.
"Don't mention that again." Letting him go you turn back to your cup and take a sip as if nothing happened.
Staring at you in shock, one of his hands careful rubs at his now red neck. Pain lingers in his gaze as he watches you. That obviously pushed a button that didn't need to be pushed. He'd taken it too far.
"I'm sorry. I'll leave." He says.
Turning on his heel you listen to his footsteps fade down the hallway and the armor stand rattle as he takes the armor off.
Moments later his footsteps return and the cabin door can be heard opening and closing again. Gazing out the kitchen window you can see his figure fading into the distance, that blue cape of his trailing behind.
Taking a deep breath you place your glass down on the counter and make your way towards your room. The wood for the fire was running low, so you gathered up your armor and axe to head out. Letting the axe rest on your shoulder you pull the door open and step into the harsh wind.
It beats against your exposed skin, like razor blades against you. For now you have no face cover so you squint feverishly into the snow as you traverse the snowy forest in search of dry wood.


Your limbs were tired from heaving the wood back to the cabin and the snow weighing you down. It feels hard to breath, your nose red and runny while your fingers are numbed by the cold. Finally out of the winds and in the warmth of your home you can take a deep breath. The fire burns brightly now that it's been fed dry wood. Sut curls up next to you in front of the fire, her body rumbling with her purr.
Running your hand over her soft coat you sigh in relief and lean back against the table behind you.

"What is it?"
A grunt and curse answers your question. Soot leaps off onto the floor as you stand. Reaching over and grasping your netherite sword from it's resting place on the table.

There's quiet shuffling outside of your door. The crunching of snow obvious against your trained ears. Moving closer towards the door, you grab the handle. It's cold against your skin. You throw the door open wide. A cold blast of wind makes you lift an arm to shield your eyes from the snow.
Something - more like someone - comes into your line of vision. Startled at first, you raise the sword and clench your jaw. "Who goes?!"
Light blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes, and green clothing. He stands before you. At least a few inches taller. Large grey wings fold closely to his back. "Sorry to intrude-" he swiped snow off his head "I'm injured and need a place to hunker down, I'll be gone by morning," his thick british accent ring in your ears. You lower your sword but keep it ready in case he has other plans.
"Where's the wound?" Looking him up and down, no obvious signs of injury evident. He turns slightly, his blue eyes never leaving your face.

The wound is obvious. The way he holds the back of his arm and the blood trickles down. You grimace at the sight. "Follow me, leave your boots at the door though,"
He smiles softly, "Thank you,"

His feet pad along the floor behind you, the very tips of his wings dragging along the floor. You step into the bathroom.

"So, I never caught your name?" You stretch to reach for the alcohol, cotton balls, and gauze. He grunts, sitting down on the edge of the tub. "My name's Philza, please just call me Phil,"
You raise a brow at the name as you open the cap to the alcohol. "Philza," you hum, "huh, different." You can hear him softly chuckle. "I get that a lot,"
You walk over with a wet cotton ball in hand. He reached up and pulls down his jacket so you can properly clean the gash.
"You do?" He nods. You swab the gash lightly with tense hands ready to jerk away in case of a reaction. Yet he sits still. You raise your eyebrows and hum.

"So, how did you get this nasty cut?"

His arm tenses. "Don't worry about it," you shrug it off. "Ok," quietly you work away at this wound. Allowing your mind to wander to the previous happenings of the day before. Jonathan's words float in the back of your mind.
You look phil over once more. He fit the description. Was this the guy Jonathan was talking about?

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now