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Techno and phil came back down moments later, shining enchanted netherite covering their bodies.

You glance at Phil. He clutches an axe in his hand and strapped to his hip is his sword.

"Here," Techno says. he holds out another set of netherite towards you. You look at him, on his face he wears a pig mask and atop his head is a golden crown. Clipped around his shoulders is the same tattered velvet cape.
"Thank you," you say as you take the armor into your own arms.
It doesn't take long to get suited up. Heavy against your skin you grunt.

"You ready?" Phil asks.

You nod, walking over to Soot and giving her a pat on the head. She purrs, pushing back against your hand making you smile.
Standing up and turning around you nod.
Anxiety begins to turn to excitement, as you climb closer to the top of the ladder.

"Take this," Phil hands you a light brown satchel, "In the front pocket is a couple ender pearls, use those to your advantage, in the main pocket is potions of harming and strength. If we need you to use them, do it."

You nodded, pulling it over your head, positioning it to rest on your hip. Reaching over you unsheathed your sword.
The door slammed open, Techno, Phil, and you running out. The cold hit your exposed skin, feeling like needles against you.
By the look of it there were six guards, it would be tough there only being three of you.
"There they are!" A guard shouted, pointing toward the three of you.

The adrenaline rushed your blood. Reaching into the satchel you pulled out an ender pearl.
A guard rushed at you with her sword at the ready and raised high above her head.
Throwing the ender pearl you teleported behind her.
The teleportation made you stumble before you collected yourself and attacked her from behind. Your sword clashed with her armor before she turned around and jabbed at you.
With not enough time to block you jumped out of the way reaching into the pocket and throwing another ender pearl.

A guard near you began to attack, startled you blocked the blow. Pushing against their sword and pulling to the side you used that as an opening and came back through with your sword aimed high, striking his helmet.
Sparks flew and off came his helmet, exposing his head and leaving him stunned.

Moments later the female guard came running at you again with barely just enough time for you to prepare.
Her sword clashed with yours, a loud clang ringing out.
Clenching your teeth as you struggled against her the guard beside you began to gain his footing.
Pushing her sword back with all of your strength you kicked her in the stomach, knocking her to the ground before spinning around and blocking the other guards sword.

You swiped his legs out from under him, turning back around just in time to stab the girl in the throat. Pulling your sword back out she fell to the ground limp. Turning back you stomped on the males chest and stuck your sword through his throat as well.

Phil grunted from not to far away. He fought against a trooper with another guard flanking him from behind.
You made your way over, kicking the guard to the ground and backing up as close to Phil as you could.
You glanced back at him, "You okay?" You asked.

"Yeah! You?" He shouted back.

Humming you whipped your head back around and pulled out a strength potion, splashing it on both of you.

The guard before you gained their footing, unable to rush you before you were knocking their sword from their hands.
Aiming for between the cheat plate and leg guards, you struck. Blood spilling from their stomach, eyes wide and face running pale.

Beside you landed Techno who had a guard over top of him, with a grunt he flipped them back over, pressing his knee into their throat and breaking their neck as he rolled.

"Take this!" A guard from behind yelled as their arrow struck you in the arm. You hissed and grabbed at your arm, spinning on your heel.

Techno was quick to take them out, their body falling to the ground lifeless.

The space seemed to be empty, no other guard in sight and for a moment it was quiet. The kind of quiet that left you anticipating more.
Opening your mouth you speak you were cut off by hands gripped you from under the arms and lifting you into the sky. Grunting you looked up, the captain of the squad smiling down at you wickedly.

"Let go!" You yelled up at him, pulling your limbs away from him and failing.
Looking back down the ground beneath you grew further and further away.

Phil looked up with wide eyes. You could see him open his mouth, yelling something to Techno but the wind in your head deafened you.
You looked back up at your captor, struggling against his hold.

"Incoming!" Phil shouted from above.

Techno let go of Phil and kicked the captain in the side, sending both you, Techno, and the captain plummeting back to earth.
Letting out a scream you instinctively grasped for the air above you. Clenching your eyes closed.

"I've got you," you heard before you were picked back up and lowered to the ground by Phil.

You heart beat out of your chest, and you heaved with every breath.
"Are you ok?" He asked, looking you over. You nodded reluctantly.
Phil hugged you, careful to avoid the arrow in your arm. you could hear his heart pounding his his chest as you leaned against him. His warmth rather comforting. You stayed like that for a minute before letting go.

Looking around expecting to see Techno beside Phil or around but spotted him no where.

"You didn't catch Techno?"

Phil chuckled, "Nah, he's fine. The blood god isn't going to die from a hundred foot drop."
As if on que Techno made his way out of the woods, the avian thrown over his shoulder.


Technoblade made his way beside you and Phil, dropping the guard on the ground and wiping off his hands.
"We can clean this up tomorrow, let's get inside,"

You didn't expect it to be over so fast. You thought it would be a much more difficult task than it actually was, thank God your injury was minor and easy to fix.
You were beyond thankful for both Phil and Techno.

"Yeah, let's get some rest."

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now