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You woke hours later just as the sun began to dip below the horizon. Covering the world in darkness.

The feeling of Phil behind you was no longer there, instead your head rest against a pillow he had placed there. Turning your head and looking over at the fire dimly lighting the room you blinked.
Rubbing your eyes and sitting up with a yawn and a stretch.
The pounding headache you had before you fell back asleep had long worn away, leaving your wound and your muscles in lingering pain.

Curious as to where Phil was you searched for him around the house, eventually wondering your way into the porch.
The cold air of night surrounded you as you stepped out onto the wooded porch, closing the door behind you.

"Hey," Phil said from his spot propped up against the railing.
Making your way over to him you leaned your head against his warm chest.

He lifted a hand, bringing it to your back. The dark grey feathers now black in the night, spread out behind him just enough that they weren't aching when he moved them

"You feeling better?" He asks. Looking down at you with warmth in his eyes and a welcoming smile on his lips.
You can't help but feel your stomach flutter.

"My head doesn't hurt anymore, my body does though."

He nodded sympathetically, "Yeah, I ache a little myself."

You pulled away from him, leaning against the rail beside him. However his hand lingered when you moved, not quite wanting to let go yet. He turns around with you. A wing gently caresses your back, the warmth wrapping around your whole being.

"Hey Phil," you pause, "Yeah?" He responds,
"Thank you for all that you've done, you have done so much for me and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you."

Phil's heart swelled at that, "No need to thank me or repay me, you've helped me just as much if not more." For the moment neither of you know what to say. Letting the wildlife around you fill that empty space of noise.
Phil pulled you closer to him - practically underneath him. His arms wrapped under yours and his head on top of yours.

"What do you wanna do after you get better?" Phil asked.
Your heart stopped for a brief second. You never thought about what would happen after, you were only focused on now.
Your heart suddenly dropped, "I don't know but I don't want to leave."

"You could come with me."

You turned around in his grasp and looked up at him. You weren't sure is this was some sort of fever dream or sick joke. What Phil offered sounded like paradise to you, going around to places you've never been before and just watching it burn.
If you had to be honest, you wouldn't travel the world with anyone else.

"Really?" You asked in awe, Phil smiled, his heart stuttering. He had the thought on his mind for a while now, never having the right time to tell you.
"Of course. I don't want to leave you behind, if I did I'd feel lost. You always make my day just by smiling or being in the same room as me." Phil gazes up at the sky "I love you to much to let you be alone, especially after all we've been through over the past few months."
His fingers laced with yours, and forehead pressed against his he smiled.

"I-, I don't even know where to begin. I love you too don't get me wrong it's just, you've done so much for me and time and time again saved my ass. Your probably the only person I trust with my life as a matter of fact. I've barely done anything and your willing to let me travel with you?"

"Yes, now shut up and let me kiss you, if that's ok of course."
Flustered, your cheeks burned red. "Mhm,"

His lips pressed against yours sent sparks through your body. Soft against your own and leaving you wanting more when he pulled away. The way he looked down at you made your heard skip a beat, there was so much love in the way that he gazed at you. His hands and simple touches always soft and gentle as if you were glass.

"Shall we go back inside?" He offered.

The wind blowing softly against your skin reminded you that it was cold. His warmth had distracted you, keeping you safe and cozy. You shudder "Yeah, let's go."

You would have no one else by your side your till the end of time other than him.

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now