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The first day of travel wasn't half bad, when night had fallen you slept in the warmth of a fire. You found yourself curled up close to Phil for warmth as the flames died down later into the night, Soot tucking herself between the two of you.

You stare at Soot laying between the two of you. A faint smile makes its way onto your lips. You had Soot for about 8 years now. She was a constant in your life ever since you saved her from drowning and hypothermia.
Your eyes were heavy with sleep, but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't seem to fall asleep.

"You still awake?" Phil whispered.
You glanced up at him, "Yeah,"
He laid on his side, facing you. The faintest glimmer of gilt in his eyes. "Couldn't sleep either I take it?" You asked and reached down, combing your fingers through Soot's fur. She purred happily against your touch.

"No not really," Phil grunted as he turned into his stomach. The chain between you both shifting. The metal catching the moonlight and shimmering.

He stared as the snow beneath him, his blue eyes lost in thought. "What's wrong?" You hummed.
Phil huffed and looked at you.
"Wasn't it me that got us into this mess?"

You stared at him in disbelief, a snort leaving you as you chuckled. "You really think this is your fault? I'm the one who let your stay even when I knew Jonathan would come back eventually."
Phil blinked, "Wait, you two were close?" He pointed between Jonathan's sleeping form and you.

You shake your head, "Not that kinda close, no."
Shifting you held up your head, "I've known Jonathan ever since I built that house, he came by at least one every other week,"
Phil crossed his arms under his head and rested on them. "What was he like?"

You thought. You had lived in that house for as long as you remember. Ever since the day you left your parents to be on your own it was like that. When Jonathan was around there was always some stupid story to tell.

"He was a goof, not very bright but he was funny. Kinda annoying sometimes too." Late nights sitting in the living room together in silence or in laughter and warm smiles. "He was like my brother, but a disconnected brother. We weren't so close that we would die for the other."

Covering your mouth you yawned, "Tired now mate?" Phil asked with a gentle smile. Nodding quietly you scooted closer to him and pulled soot closer between the two of you. "You should sleep too, we need the energy believe me."
He hummed and turned back towards you.

His eyes wandered your resting face, the moon behind him lighting up your skin and gentle hue of baby blue. Crickets chirped late into the night as he watched you. A small smile creeping onto his face as he fell asleep. You truly were the best thing he could have asked for.

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now