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   Rosé groaned slightly as she moved in the bed, she sat up straight, looking around the unfamiliar room.

   The room was in different colors of black, a dull light coming in through the tiny window, shelves of black wood placed around the room, filled with different books, and finally a desk at the feet of the bed.

   “You must be very sleepy.” A voice said, a cup coffee levitated in the air in front of Rosé.

   Rosé hesitantly held her hand out and grabbed the warm cup of coffee. She quickly brought it to her face and quickly started to drink the warm liquid.

   “Considering how you were in a coma for two days.” Rosé finished the cup and looked at the older woman as she lowered the cup, folding her legs in a cross.

   “Who-who are you?” Rosé asked.

   “Sandy, Khuva Sandy.” The woman said. “I’m a witch, if my young queen is lost.”

   Rosé stared at her confused out of her soul.

   For one she thought witches were more likely normal people but just filled with spells and second, she didn’t really believe the whole witch thing.

   “If you were a witch. Where is your familiar?” Rosé asked.

   As soon as she asked, a sweet meow interrupted them.

   Without looking the witch pointed at the floor, Rosé turned to the floor and saw a black kitten with white eyes standing a few inches away from them. Rosé looked back at the woman.

   “Can I ask you for a favor?” Rosé asked. The woman hummed, bending down to grab the black kitten and put her in her arms as she patted her. “Can witches bring a person back to life?”

   “Don’t mess with the power of nature.”

   “I can.” The witch said, looking up at Rosé. “Who would you like to bring back?”

   “This vampire, she- I-...” Rosé trailed off trying to think about how she should tell the witch about Lisa. “Just some vampire.”

   “I need more than just what type of creature she is.” The witch said. Rosé took in a deep breath.

   “Lisa is a vampire, we met a while back, she died because of my father.” Rosé rambled.

   “Do you have anything belonging to her?” The witch asked.

   Rosé looked down at her neck which held the ruby necklace left over by Lisa, the only memory she had of Lisa.

   She looked up at the woman as she pointed at the necklace.

   “Ok, follow me.” The witch said. She got up from the bed with the cat in her arms.

   Rosé got up too, watching the blue dress she wore, fall down to her knees.

   She grabbed her crown which was on the side table, slipped on her heels before she walked behind the witch who was now leaving the room.

“You will regret this!”

   Rosé stared at Sandy’s back as she poured in different colored water into an iron cauldron.

   Sandy put the bottles back on the wooden shelf. Sandy stood in front of the cauldron with her arms stretched out high into the air.

   She then muttered forgien words, raising her hands higher as black mist started to spill out of the cauldron.

   The mist started to spiral up in a tiny tube.

   The witch stopped her muttering and dropped her hands down to her sides suddenly.

   The mist followed her actions as it dropped down to the floor, making the room foggy. Rosé coughed as she waved her hands to make the fog go away.

   After a bit when it finally went away she was suddenly met with a creature standing in front of her.

   As her vision got clearer, she saw a creature with dangerous dark red sharp horns and big black wings.

   Her eyes moved to the face only to see the face she longed to see.

   “Lisa…” Rosé mumbled.

   Lisa smiled as she folded her wings behind her back, and carefully got closer to Rosé.

   Lisa’s thumb ran over her cheek, caressing it.

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