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   Jisoo balled her hands, bringing them to her mouth. Her legs folding up against her stomach.

   She bit on her pale lips to try and not make a sound.

   Kijiya rolled around on the ground, feeling uncomfortable. He shot up when he heard a silent whimper.

   He looked around before he looked up to the bed where Jisoo laid alone. Kijiya grabbed the comforter and pulled it off of him.

   He got up and quietly approached the bed.

   "Yah. Jisoo-yah." Kijiya mumbled, still in his sleep as he shaked Jisoo by the grip on her arm.

   Jisoo screamed, kicking her legs in the sheets before she sat up straight in panic. Kijiya sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around Jisoo's shoulder.

   He pulled her into his body. He closed his eyes as he felt and heard Jisoo cry under his hold.

   Kijiya opened his eyes once he felt Jisoo calm down. She was now calmed, she was holding Kijiya as she fell into a peaceful sleep.

   Kijiya sighed. He looked to his right and to where Kai's sheets were, seeing that they were empty and folded neatly.

   Kijiya shot up from the bed making Jisoo slip off of him and hit her head on the bed, making her groan.

   Kijiya rushed to the doors, leaving Jisoo confused.


   Kijiya rushed out of the room and through the balconies.

   He went to the main counter to where the hotel owner stood.

   "Have you seen the guy who came in with us?" Kijiya asked.

   "I very well have, though he did not tell me of where he was going except for asking me about the vendor stalls." The man said. Kijiya grumbled under his breath.

   "Thanks." Kijiya said before he turned to the hallway so he could go get Jisoo, but he stopped when he saw Jisoo approaching him with their things in her hands.

   "Can we leave now please?" Jisoo asked as she stopped in front of Kijiya. Kijiya hummed, taking his things from Jisoo. "Where's Kai?"

   "He's out with the vendors I think." Kijiya replied as he swung on his leather coat. Jisoo nodded as she started to head for the doors.

   Kijiya caught up with her as the both of them left the hotel.

   The sky was painted a light shade of purple as it signed that it was going to be morning soon. The birds were chirping out songs, the trees were gently turning because of the cold yet warm breeze. The blue brick road far away from them was filled with vendors and stalls, ready to sell as traders and common buyers came to buy from them.

   "Hey." Kijiya said, slightly slapping Jisoo's arm with the back of his left hand.

   Jisoo looked in his direction as they both walked, she looked where Kijiya was pointing and saw a food stall with a black haired man standing there, somewhat dressed like Kai.

   The both walked there as they got a perfect look at the man which turned out to be Kai buying the three some chicken stew.


Hey, Happy Pride's month!
Also I know I'm late but hey

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