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"Where are we going!?" Jennie shouted as she tried to keep up with the young girl who was leading her through the kingdom woods.

"Somewhere safe!" The girl shouted.

They had reached the end of the woods, where the kingdom walls were built to protect the inside world.

The girl ran to the left as they reached an old lookout tower which was made out of bricks and was a part of the kingdom inner walls. A wooden door which connected the outside and the tower's inside seemed as though it was broken open.

The girl let go off Jennie's hand as she stepped in the tower. Jennie looked around and gulped before she followed behind the other.

"I hope you like this." The man said as he held out a small bowl filled with boiling soup.

Jennie shrugged her shoulders, reaching her hands out to grab the bowl.

Jennie's hands instantly went from cold to hot but luckily her hands were protected since the bowl was made out of ceramic. The man let go off of the bowl as Jennie brought the bowl to her mouth.

She blew on the soup before she took a small sip. Her eyes shot open as she tasted a somewhat familiar soup.

She looked up at the man.

"Whe-where did you-you fin-find this soup?" Jennie asked.

The man poured in soup soup for himself from the pot on top of the campfire.

The man sat across from Jennie, he took a sip before looking up at Jennie to make eye contact.

"Runs in the family." The man simply replied before he took another sip. Jennie nodded before she brought the bowl up again, blew on it and took a big sip of the soup. "So, where are you headed?"

Jennie finished half of the bowl before she looked up at the man. Jennie was choosing between telling the stranger or not.

It might be a bad idea but at the same time she didn't know where she was and that the man could lead him there.

Plus everyone knew where they were going so she didn't have to worry about the others but she had to about herself, what if the man brought her to somewhere else and killed her?

After a few minutes of staring into space, Jennie replied, "Sandy's house, the Witch's layer."

"I know where that is, I could lead you there if you like." The man said, taking another sip of the soup.

Jennie took another sip too, thinking if she should say yes or just leave and find a way through the jungle herself.

"Ok." Jennie agreed. "You can lead me to Sandy's house." Jennie added.

"Eat up and then we can sleep." The man said getting up with his now empty bowl. "I'll take you to her house tomorrow."

Jennie finished the last drop of soup before she got up and handed the bowl to the man.

They had run through the long stairs of the lookout tower and had reached the top where it had been made so someone could easily shoot with arrows.

It didn't have a roof or walls except for the safety walls which were only in the corners and were four inches long.

They stood facing the wild, the jungle outside of the kingdom.

With blood pouring out of her Jennie turned to the girl.

"What are we doing here?" Jennie asked. The girl's hand came towards her mouth and put her finger on her lips.

"Isoo." A voice said.

The two jumped back words before they turned around and saw an older woman who seemed to be in her twenties.

She had short black hair with the ends dyed as blue and a normal black outfit on. The only thing that was most visible in the dark were her burning scary red eyes.

Her eyes turned from the girl to Jennie, looking at her with hunger.

The girl stepped in front of Jennie.

"Please, we need a place to stay and she needs to get help." The girl said.

"Fine." The woman sent in her deep voice.

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