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"Thank you for the game!" Both teams said as they bowed to each other in the middle of the court. Karasuno bitterly bowed, upset with the results of the game, it felt unreal, how could a team be so powerful.

"Tch how boring." Samatoki sneered as he lifted his head up to gaze at Karasunos team.

"Oi! You got something to say pretty boy?!" Tanaka snarled at the taller male who only smirked in response

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"Oi! You got something to say pretty boy?!" Tanaka snarled at the taller male who only smirked in response.

"Now now Samatoki calm down." Ichiro said walking to stand next to the raven haired boy. "Sorry about him he doesn't know how to bite his tongue." The white haired male said waving his hand up and down with a gentle closed eyed smile.

" The white haired male said waving his hand up and down with a gentle closed eyed smile

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"Come on, (y/n)'s waiting for us on the bench." The team captain said pushing up his glasses while the rest of the team followed.

" The team captain said pushing up his glasses while the rest of the team followed

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"Tch." Nishinoya said as he walked back to Karasunos bench next to Tanaka.

"They're....." Hinata's eyes sparkled "THEYRE SO GOOD!!!"

"They have a shitty attitude." Tsukishima huffed as he glared at the opposing team.

"Yeah who do they think they are!?" Tanaka and Nishinoya scowled giving off a menacing aura around them as they held twisted expressions.

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