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"Mmm...." (Y/n) groaned a bit as the bright light from the sun shined through the slight crack of the curtains. She shut her eyes back tightly and rolled over to her side where she wouldn't be facing the sun anymore to go back to sleep. Her forehead and neck were covered in sweat as she felt a cold shiver down her spine. 

'Man.. I'm still sick...' She thought to herself as she covered herself more with blankets. 'Ah.. being sick fucking sucks... but.. I wonder what time it is..' Thinking, she rolled over to her side where her phone was and turned it on.

The bright light of the screen blinded her for a quick second as she blinked a few times then was able to adjust as she looked at the numbers that were on the screen. Her eyes widened as she immediately got up in a panic looking at the time. 

"11:23!?!?!?!?" She yelled a bit as she hurriedly rushed to get her jacket and shoes on, frantically brushing her teeth and washing her face and running out of the door and into the hallway of the school where they were staying in. 

'shit shit shit!!' she thought to herself "I overslept hella! Why didn't anyone wake me up what the fuck!?!" just realizing that the room was completely empty and that she was the only one that was sleeping in. (Y/n) started speed walking through the hallways to see where everyone was, panicking a bit and thinking up of an excuse on why she had overslept and how to plan things accordingly so that her team wasn't behind on their training. 

"Ahhhh!" She silently screamed grabbing her head, "Ugh! seriously!??!" gritting her teeth as she continued to walk down the hallways only for a voice to catch her attention.


"huh?" turning around to see who's voice it was she was face to face with Akaashi who was holding a tray with porridge, water, and some medicine. 

"Oh you're awake." He calm said as he gave her a calm smile before ushered her over to where he was.

A bit confused (y/n) walked up to him, "Um... w-what?"

Akaashi chuckled a bit at her confused reaction and started to walk back towards her room as she followed him back. "Umm... what happened and what's that for?"

"here" Opening the door and the two entered, he placed the tray down on a table and brought up two chairs for them to sit, "Sit here." He put out a hand as (y/n) quietly sat down across from him, watching him set down the bowl of food and water in front of her.

As he was preparing he spoke in a calm and collected voice, "You were gone for a bit last night so we all got worried and let you sleep in so that you would recover from your fever," He placed a spoon down in front of her, "Your coach made some porridge for you and here you can take ur medicine after you eat." He placed a napkin with two pills on it next to the water.

"o-oh I see..." (Y/n) let out a nervous cough and took the spoon and took a bite of food. It tasted good, reminded of the porridge her mother would make her when she was sick as a kid, the nostalgic taste brought back some nice memories as she subconsciously smiled while eating. Akaashi leaned against the palm of his hand as he looked pat her with a soft smile. 

"Is it good?" He asked. 

(Y/n) perked up a bit. "mm." She hummed in response and gave a small nod. "Yeah..." swallowing she continued, "It reminds me of my childhood."

Akaashi let out a small, quiet chuckle, "Yeah, I remember my mom used to make me porridge too when I was sick as a kid too."

"Yeah, although it didn't taste the best, it definitely made me feel better." (y/n) chuckled a bit and continued to eat.

"Were you panicked this morning?"

"Yeah.. I mean I've never slept in that much, and no one was here so... I thought I was late.." 

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