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"(Y/n).." His eyes sternly looking down at his daughter, "Kousuke." He spoke, looking at his son who gave his father a nervous smile. 

"Hey dad I thought you were coming later? I didn't expect to see you today." Kousuke said, trying his best to lighten the mood between his family members. (Y/n) pursed her lips looking off to the side to avoid her father's gaze. 

Her father let out a sigh, "I was informed that (Y/n) was sick, so I decided to come early to see if she was alright." he then turned to (Y/n) who meekly looked up at her father, "Are you alright (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) gave him a short, curt nod, "Yes I'm okay it was a slight fever, nothing serious." She spoke, feeling his piercing gaze down on her. 

Her father hummed in response, looking up at the scoreboard as his stoic face turned into a frown. "Why is the point gap so low." He angrily mumbled as (y/n) felt her body go small in shame. 


"It's just a practice match!" Kousuke exclaimed giving his father an awkward smile, "(Y/n) was sick and she just got here, I was coordinating the game so I guess I just wanted to mess around and have some fun..." He trailed off, sweat dripping down his forehead from nervousness. 

Nanami closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh from his nose, "I see, well it doesn't hurt to have some fun." He then turned to (Y/n) who flinched from his gaze, once again feeling the shame build up inside of her. 


"Yes father.." She meekly spoke, her gaze going down on the floor as she hung her head low.

"I hope you don't bring down Suibotsu's reputation like this. You are aware of what happened last year at nationals." He spoke turning to walk towards Coach Hiroto who was sitting down on the bench in front of them. 

"yes.." (y/n) whispered. 


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"Good. I'll be observing the next match, I'll be looking forward to it." he walked past her as the wind slightly swayed her hair to the side, "Don't disappoint me." His words leaked into her ears as the sound of his footsteps trailed after, leaving (Y/n) behind, with a visible frown on her face. 

Kousuke could only watch the back of his father's figure before turning down to look at his sister who kept her gaze down on the floor. He placed a hand on her shoulder, rubbing it gently to comfort her as he gave her a weak smile. "hey... it's going to be okay.."

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