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The said girl turned around to face her coach as the rest of her team continued their practice, the sound of balls smacking down on the ground echoed in the gym.

"Yes coach?" She asked, walking up to the older male who was standing next to the bench with his arms crossed.

"You're needed in the kitchen, the other managers need help making Onigiri for dinner." He stated.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, "seriously...." she groaned, tugging on her head band, "fine fine." She muttered, throwing her towel on the bench and taking a sip of water from her bottle.

Hiroto placed a hand on her shoulder, "hey, don't worry about next week, we still have a couple more days till he comes."

(Y/n) pursed her lips and sighed, "Yeah I know..." she mumbled, looking down at the ground.

Hiroto gave her a look of pity, "Hey kid, I'm your coach so if anything happens, I'm here for you. That's what I'm here for."

(Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek, "I know, thanks Coach Hiroto."

He gave her a light slap on the back, "Alright, make sure to bring me one when you come back!" H laughed out loud as the girl just rolled her eyes and left the gym, chuckling softly at her coach.

She exited the gym and carefully made her way towards the kitchen when she heard a few curses from a distance. Quirking an eyebrow she walked around the gym to see a gray haired male covered in scratches and bruises mumbling to himself.

"Stupid Tsumu, always thinking about himself..." he growled, kicking the dust underneath his feet.

"Oi." The male jolted in the spot, quickly turning his head around to see the (h/c) haired girl who was standing in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What are doing.." she asked, giving him a look.

Osamu sighed, "I got into a dumb fight with my brother."

"I see..." she muttered placing a hand under her chin, "yeah siblings are stupid, my older brother is a bitch sometimes."

"I know right? Like they always think that they're better than you.." Osamu said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah he always thinks he knows more than me, but in reality he doesn't." She scoffed. "What happened this time?"

Osamu huffed, "I missed one of his sets and he got all mad at me thinking I missed it on purpose and that someone who doesn't 'hit his sets' are just bad." He rolled his eyes, "that egotistical brat."

"Oh Atsumu right?" (Y/n) pointed out, "yeah he seems like it." Shoving her hands into her pockets she started to walk, "come on I'll take you to the infirmary. I'm heading towards the kitchen anyways." She muttered.

Osamu's eyes widened as the scrambled to his feet. Him and his brother had been talking about the cool new manager from Suibotsu so he was not going to miss out on an opportunity like this. "Yeah coming." He said walking behind the girl who ignored his words.

They continued to walk into the building passing by a few rooms here and there that were empty. No one spoke, (y/n) never unless she deemed it necessary and Osamu never spoke unless he was spoken to, but he couldn't help but feel and overwhelming aura around the girl. And a part of him wanted to start a conversation with her, but he wasn't sure if she wanted to. So mustering up all his courage he opened his mouth.


"Here's the infirmary." She cut him off, opening the door to the nurses office as the smell of rubbing alcohol filled their noses. Osamu sighed in defeat as they walked into the room.

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