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A chill ran down Hinata's spine as he watched (Y/n) glaring down at him for what seemed to be forever until in a blink of an eye she disappeared. Confusion painted his face when he started to look around for the (H/c) haired girl but was quickly distracted when his other teammates called him over.

"Oi Hinata come on the game isn't over we still have a ways to go." Kageyama said as he ushered him over to the middle of the court to get ready in their positions.

"Oh right." He mumbled walking back to take his place next to Kageyama, "Sorry I just got a little distracted."

"Hm." Kageyama mumbled in response as the blow of the whistle signaled the start again. Kageyama pursed his lips as he looked to see Ichiro throw the ball in the air to start.


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"mm." Ichiro hummed to himself as he tossed the ball in the air, looking up at it spun around the ceiling of the gym. Slowly, as the ball started to descend down to him he felt an aura. In a split second he felt an immense pressure on him as his gazed hardened and before he knew it, the ball that he originally planned to lightly hit, suddenly fell down on Karasuno's side like a ton of bricks.

The sound of the ball colliding with the wooden floor echoed the entire gym as everyone's eyes could only widen in fear at the remains of the ball which had looked like it had exploded with a bomb inside. The split layers scattered around Karasuno's side of the gym while leaving a black skid mark on the floor.

Everyone in the gym felt their mouth open agape at the sudden tension of the game that seemed to be friendly just a few moments ago, and the few words that were able to come out of some people's mouth were just broken speeches.

"I-" Daichi was barely able to utter out as his hands shook at the sheer fear of what was about to happen in this game.

Ichiro hunched over while panting heavily, sweating dripped down as he lifted his eyes up to the rest of the team who had worry painted all over their faces. He looked at the damage he caused as his eyes widen, gulping nervously as he felt his entire body heat up from both embarrassment and fear.

"Fuck.." Was the only thing he muttered out as he looked over to his left to see (Y/n) with her arms crossed glaring directly at the white haired male, eyes blood red.

"(Y/n).." Coach Hiroto was only able to mutter out, but looked up slightly at the seats up above to see Principal Nanami looking down at them with the same expression as (Y/n). This wasn't just a practice match anymore.

This was a life or death situation.

A situation where (Y/n) had to give her best. She wasn't going to let this go so easily. Of course, Suibotsu was known to be THE powerhouse, everybody knew. I mean even Shiratorizawa was scared of them, so what did that mean for everyone else. But,

No one was prepared for what was going to unfold right now.

The referee finally lifted a hand up to indicate that Suibotsu had earned a point while everyone else started to recover from their shock and started whispering amongst themselves about what they had just witnessed. Other teams grimacing at Karasuno being the unlucky team that had to deal with Suibotsu's wrath, while some shivered at the thought of being the unfortunate one who might have had taken the blown from that ball.

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