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"WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP!" The (h/c) haired girl barked, an irk mark visible on her forehead as she stared down at the boys in front of her. She took a deep inhale and exhaled, "Okay now please ONE at a time." She growled, glaring at them as they stiffened in her gaze.

"(L/n)-san! Please set for me!" Hinata exclaimed bouncing over to the girl.

"(L/n)-san! Please teach me how to set!" Kageyama yelled raising a hand in the hair, as his cheeks tinted red.

"Hey hey hey! (L/n)! Block for me!" Bokuto's voice rang in her ears as he jumped from foot to foot.

"(L/n)... I need help on this level.." Kenma grumbled staring down at his console and vigorously pressing down on the buttons.

The (h/c) haired girl just sighed, grabbing a handful of hair in her fist and grumbling a few incoherent curses. With furrowed eyebrows she ran a hand through her face in frustration. "Guys... why don't you ask your own team. Hinata." She narrowed her eyes at the bubbly orange who straightened his back at her.

"You have plenty of setters around you to set for you, why don't you ask Oikawa, heck take one of my setters. Kageyama." She turned to the dark haired male who blushed under her gaze while she looked at his with a blank stare.

"You're already a pretty decent setter, and if you need help just ask Ichiro. Bokuto." She turned to the owl haired male who smiled widely at her, his hair up in the air while Kageyama tried to process the compliment that was thrown at him.

"You could ask Kuroo and Tsukishima to block you like when they did for the midnight practices." She grumbled as his hair deflated.

"But I wanna see if you can block my spikes!!" He whined. (Y/n) just pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, "and Kenma." She turned to the boy, looking into his piercing cat like eyes as he looked back at her (e/c) colored ones.

"You......" her gaze trailed down to the screen of the console as the word, 'Dead!' We're plastered in red. "Come with me I'll help you." (Y/n) muttered showing her hands into ear pockets as the the pudding haired male softly smiled.

"Hey thats not fair!" The other three exclaimed angrily glaring at Kenma who was oblivious to their stares.

"You clearly favor Kenma (L/n)-san!" Hinata whined.

"Yeah! That's not fair!!" Bokuto whined with the orange haired first year.

(Y/n) just shrugged, "you guys have other people available to help you, but kenma here." She placed a hand on his shoulder, "He only has me so that's why I'm helping him." She smirked at kenma placing a hand over her mouth and whispering to his ear, just loud enough for the others to hear.

"It's that right kenma." She chuckled.

Kenma let out a small smile, "yeah no one else matches up to you (L/n)."

The other three could only glare at the pudding haired male as a visible dark purple aura formed around them. "Then help us later then (L/n)-san!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Kageyama agreed, nodding his head.

(Y/n) just rolled her eyes, "If I do will you leave me alone?"

"MHM!" They hummed in response causing the girl to sigh.

"Fine fine." She turned her back, swinging an arm around Kenma as they walked away, "I'll see you later then. Now kenma." She turned to the pudding haired male as she looked down at the console, "what do you need help with?"

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