Better or Worst

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Hi, I'm Jasmine and I'm sixteen years old and I live in Harlem I have a boyfriend name Mendecces and he is my everything. I want to explore things in life like moving somewhere else like Atlanta or California but I don't have enough money like that.

I'm laying on the couch doing my homework assignment and Mendecess come and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

I got up and walked over to Mendecess,"You know you should be doing your homework too". I told him, as I pat him on the back.

He scratch his head,"ugh...yea remind me later won't you babe". He said

I nodded my head,"Well,babe don't you wanna go to college and live your dream ?". I asked him, as I sat on his lap.

"I know babe but college tuition cost money". he told me

"I know babe" I told him.

I got off of Mendecess lap and I went in the kitchen and grab a soda out of the refrigerator,"Well, Mendecess you can get a part time job". I told him, as I opened my soda can and took a sip.

Mendecess got up and came in the kitchen."Your right Jasmine" he told me, as he put his hands around my waist.

"I know" I said, as I kissed him.

Mendecces go overboard with the kissing and I took his hands off my waist."What ?" He said with a confused look.

I wipe around my lips." Too over board plus my sister is here upstairs sleeping" I told him, as I pointed to the ceiling.

He pull me closer to him."So, we'll just be quiet". He suggested.

"Umm...No" I said, as I back away from him.

"Ugh...come on babe" he begged.

"Nope" I told him, as I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch.

Later that evening I was in the kitchen cooking some fried chicken and my sister Cyn comes in the kitchen.

"Where is mom Jasmine ?" She asked.

"She's still at work she'll be home soon". I told her, as I turned over the fried chicken.

"Ok" she said walking away upstairs to her room.

Mendecess woke up and came in the kitchen scratching his head.

"What you cooking". He asked.

"Oh, just some fried chicken" I told him.

He yawned."Can I stay here tonight ?" He asked.

"Yea" I said.

My mom texted me saying...

I'll be home tomorrow afternoon I'm staying over my friends house tonight. Because my car got a flat tire and I gotta go get a new tire.

"I'm done let me go take this chicken upstairs and give it to my sister I'll be right back downstairs". I told him, as I went upstairs to my sister room and gave her a plate of fried chicken.

"Thanks" she said.

"No problem" I told her.

I ran back downstairs and laid on the couch with Mendecess and then we start making out and then he kiss me on my neck and that was my weak spot. I took of his shirt and he took of my shirt, all I was wearing a lace bra under my shirt.

He smiled in excitement.

"Mendecess I love you" I told him, as I crawled on top of him sitting on his lap.

"I love you too Jasmine" he said in between kisses.

And at that moment something told me to stop. I got off of his lap.

"We gotta stop" I told him.

Mendecess sat up."What's wrong ?" He asked.

"I can't Mendecess just have sex with you, it scares me that if I show myself to you and you break my heart again I'll be embarrassed about myself I think that we should wait". I explained to him.

He chuckled."I can't believe that you think that I'm gonna cheat again Jasmine, I stopped that bull crap". He said raising his voice.

"Well, how am I supposed to know that Mendecess". I told him, looking into his eyes.

"It's called Trust !" He said, putting his shirt back on.

"How am I supposed to trust you Mendecess ?" I asked him, getting emotional.

Mendecess got up from the couch and walked to the door and left "I'm done with this conversation" he told me,he slammed the door.

I curled up in a ball and cried.
"I don't know what to do ?" I told myself wiping my tears away.

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Will Mendecess end their whole relationship acting like this ?

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