Breakup or Makeup

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After yesterday I don't even wanna fight with Mendecess anymore because it's a waste of my time. I might of over reacted about what he did to me in the past and it's not my fault that I have trust issues after he cheated on me a bunch of times I couldn't trust him ever again that's why we're on and off all the time.

My friend Tiara drove me to school today because usually Mendecess drive me to school but after our huge fight I know that he won't pick me up.

"What's going on girl ?" She asked.

"Me and Mendecess had a huge argument yesterday I'm so stressed out". I told her.

"Jasmine you need a guy that will treat you right and love you not use you as a toy". She said.

"Tiara, I love Mendecess so much I'm not gonna date other guys". I told her.

"Ok, Fine" She said shrugging her shoulders.

( Mendecess Pov )

After me and Jasmine argument yesterday I know that we are taking a break now as usual but she makes this relationship confusing for me either we are together or we're not. I'm gonna call Drake so tonight we can go out to the club tonight since me and Jasmine are split up for now I need a girl who is my ride or die chick and Jasmine can't prove that to me.

"Drake, man let's go to the club later on tonight". I told him.

"Igite man" he said.

Me and Tiara arrived at school and I see Mendecess near his locker flirting with a girl and I'm so heated right now so I walk to his locker and act like I'm cool. "Hey Mendecess, who's this ?" I asked him, as I was pointing at the girl.

He scratch his head. "My friend" he said.

I nodded my head and rolled my eyes at him. "Oh, your friend" I said sarcastically.

The random girl look at Mendecess with a suspicious look."Since when I was your friend ?" She said.

"Since umm..." He paused.

"Liar" I said as I walked away.

The random girl pushes Mendecess. "Dude Wtf ?" She said.

"What an asshole he is Tiara" I said.

"Yea,you gonna be cool ? I gotta go to class". She asked.

"Yea" I told her.

Mendecess is already starting to cheat on me and I bet that he's going out tonight I'm not even gonna worry about him he can do him I can do me.

After school I decided to spend the night over Tiara house with my other two friends Kim, Erica. Erica know how to turn up at a party and that why I love her. Kim she's like a classy girl and a party animal too.

"Tonight I gotta go to a party event at a club so what's sup with y'all". Erica said.

"I'm in a relationship finally" Kim told us.

"Congrats" we all said.

"Me and Mendecess had another fight again". I told them.

They all signed.

"Look ,Jasmine you need somebody who will love you and accept you as a girlfriend". Kim told me.

"Shut up ! Kim it took you a year to find a man". Erica told her.

"So, I'm just saying" Kim said crossing her arms.

"Well, I gotta go girls see y'all tomorrow" Erica told us.

At the club...

( Mendecess POV )

I'm drinking and dancing with hot chicks at the club with my Boys and I see Jasmine friend Erica on the dance floor and she do look sexy tonight. I walk over to her and start flirting with her and then she dancing all over me and then we start making out in a private lounge where nobody can see us and she feeling me too we took it all the way.

"Dam girl ,you look bad tonight" I said sitting her on top of me.

"You too babe" she said.

( Erica's POV )

I'm all over Mendecess dancing on him I do feel drunk but we're both having fun flirting with one another and besides him and Jasmine broke up and it's my turn to make him happy.

I might spend the night over Mendecess house because I'm not going back to Tiara and them.

"Mendecess I love you" I told him as I was dancing all over him.

"I love you too babe" he told me.

We both left out of the private lounge and we went on the dance floor and started dancing with each other. Then I see Andrea and she keep giving me an eye look but I don't have time for her.

( Andrea's POV )

I see Erica  acting  like a slut on the dance floor dancing with Mendecess and she knows that's her friend boyfriend and I heard that they were taking a break because of a huge argument they had. But, friends shouldn't hook up with their best friend ex boyfriend. and even if they are on and off Erica know that Jasmine love Mendecess I should tell Jasmine about this.

( Erica's POV )

Mendecess invite me back over his house and all I'm thinking about is hooking up with his good looking ass. Idgaf that this is Jasmine's boyfriend she don't own him and plus he think I look bad and pretty.

"You're cute Mendecess" I told him.

"Not so bad yourself shorty" he said as he held my waist and laid me on his bed.

We took it all the way there and I don't feel bad about what I just did.

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