Am I ready for this ???

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I'm so nervous to tell my mom that I'm pregnant, how am I going to live my life now with this baby growing inside of me? My mom wants me to succeed and go to college and get my degree so I can do something in life. but instead I followed in the same footsteps as she did when she was 16 and pregnant with me.

I went downstairs to go talk to mom and I see her sipping her hot cup of coffee in the kitchen. I came in the kitchen and sat at the table.

"Goodmorning" she said with a smirk on her face. "Goodmorning" I said back, as I tapped my fingernails on the kitchen table impatiently.

I just had to blurt it out to her I'm tired of feeling guilty.

"Mom ?" I said. "Yes ?" she replied.
"I'm pregnant" I said nervously bitting my fingernails.


I shook my head at her. "I love Mendencess he's the one that I'll only love. And this might be an mistake but I'm ready to have his baby !" I yelled as tears formed in my eyes.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh quit it Jasmine! that boy don't love you and if he did he wouldn't be laying up with your best friend" She shouted. I was completely done with this conversation.

I sucked my teeth and stormed out of the house. "Mendencess love me, I forgave him for what he has done to me" I told myself. I pulled out my iPhone 6 from my back pocket and called Mendencess to meet me at Wawa.

While, I was waiting for Mendencess for 45 minutes, I started to get hungry so I went into Wawa's and bought me a pretzel and a cherry flavored Slurpee cuz I know my lil jasmine is hungry.

Finally, I see Mendencess pull up in his black jeep. He honked the horn and I got in the car, then we drove off to his place. "You told her ?" He asked.
"Yea" I told him, as I was scratching my head.
"I know that this is gonna change our lives...since my seed is inside you." He said.
I nodded my head. "Yup, there's no turning back" I chuckled.

We arrived at his house, Mendencess parents wasn't home so we had time to talk about the baby.

Mendencess carried my bags up the stairs into his room. I sat right on his bed legs crossed and rubbed my stomach in a circular motion.
"You playing with lil Mendencess ?" He chuckled as he laid on the bed and kissed my stomach.

"First of all, its lil Jasmine or Jaz for short" I clarifed with a smirk.
He smacked his lips. "We'll see at your next doctor appointment" He said sarcastically then kissed me.

Sorry,that this part was short but the next one will be longer.

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