Sleeping with the Enemy

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I'm sleeping peacefully at Tiara house and I got a message from Andrea saying...

Text Message:

Andrea: Jasmine I was at the club at the party event and then I saw Erica dancing all over Mendecess here I have the photo's.

I scroll through the pictures and I'm really beyond pissed of at Erica she supposed to be my friend but instead she's a backstabbing friend. And I know that they may have slept together so I call Mendecess about this situation.

"Mendecess how could you sleep with my best friend Erica like wtf I can't even stand you right now !" I shouted.

"What are you talking about I didn't sleep with Erica". He said as her turned over in his bed.

"Put that hoe on the phone !" I said with anger.

"Hello" she said.

"Are you kidding me Erica you slept with my boyfriend and you knew that I love him you a thirsty slut you backstabbing friend". I told her.

"Stfu, if you wouldn't keep breaking up with him and leaving him then I wouldn't even sleep with him in the first place you need to make up your dam mind Jasmine !" She said as she hung up the phone on me.

Erica is nothing to me now she's a trader I decided to wake up Kim and Tiara and I told them what happened and the look on their face hard to explain.

"Erica is such a dirty for doing that" Tiara said.

"Right, she's a scumbag for doing that so is Mendecess" Kim said.

I cried. "I know" I told them.

"Don't worry I'll help you find a better guy than Mendecess" Tiara told me as she rub my back.

"But y'all don't understand I love Mendecess" I told them.

"But he's not good enough for you" Kim said.

I nodded my head.

At Mendecess house...

( Mendecess POV )

I can't believe what I just did to Jasmine I love her to much for that and for me sleeping with Erica was wrong.

Erica got up out of bed and sat on top on me. "Goodmorning babe" she said.

I rubbed my eyes. "Erica,Goodmorning" I said.

"I'm about to go home my ride is here" she said ,as she's getting her stuff.

"Ok, bye boo" I said as I got up and gave her a kiss.

Erica might be my new Girlfriend she seem like a ride or die chick than Jasmine plus she's a party chick and I like that in my women but before I call her my girlfriend I should check up on Jasmine tomorrow so we can talk about this.

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