Wedding Day

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I'm so excited that I'm getting married today, I can't believe this day is finally here. I always dreamed of this day to come. I feel like I'm in a dream, but no, This is really happening. I was smiling as Tiara was finishing up my makeup.

"I'm so nervous" I smiled weakly.

"Girl,you have nothing to worry about
your bout to be a wife to the man you love." she said, applying the finishing touches of makeup on my face.

I made complete eye contact with Tiara and held both of her hands.

"I'm so thankful that you're my bestfriend. I love you and thank you for being there for me through tough times" I teared up a little.

"I love you too Jaz, Don't cry you gonna ruin your makeup" she chuckled.

I saw somebody head peak in the door and it was my mom along with Cyn and Kim.

"Oh my gosh, you look so beautiful" mom complimented tearing up.

Kim walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm so happy for you Jaz"

"Thank you Kim" I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Sis, congrats" Cyn said,coming over and giving me a hug.

Mom stood up. "Guys I need some privacy with my daughter" she announced.

They all nodded their heads and left out of my dressing room.

I sat next to my mom on the couch.

"Honey, it's your day. You have waited for this day for almost your whole life, and now it's here. I'm happy for you" Mom said ,leaning over and kissed my forehead.

"I just wish that Dad was here to walk me down the isle" I choked up a little.

"I know sweetie, I wish he was here too" she leaned over and hugged me.

When I was four years old my Mom and Dad filed for a divorce. He was cheating on my mom, getting drunk and staying out late. At the age of thirteen my Dad passed away of an overdose of drugs and I still think about him a lot, I love him so much and it hurts that he had to go so soon. I know my Dad is right by my side as I walk down the isle, he remains in my heart.

Tiara comes in. "Come on lets get your dress on" she said excitedly.

I smiled in excitement.


"It's time" Cyn smiled. Tiara helped me with my veil because it was too long.

All my bridesmaids were walking down the isle with the groomsmen, while the song "Love Em all" by K Michelle. Tiara and Kim were on of my bridesmaids in my wedding.

Kevin's dad is walking me down the isle.

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"You ready ?" he looked over at me.

I smiled big. "Yes I am." I said.

It was time for me to walk down the isle. I rested my hand on Mr. Carter's arm and I felt really nervous but I'm ready to marry Kevin.

We began walking down the isle and the only person who I locked eyes with was Kevin. He was smiling from ear to ear and he wiped a tear off his cheek. I was tearing up a little to but I didn't want to ruin my makeup.

We made it down the isle.

"Who give this woman to be married to this man ?" the minister asked.

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