Life after 1 year

482 24 14

1 year later


I dropped off Jayden at Mendencess new home where he lives, life is going well for me I'm engaged to Kevin - Carter he's a basketball player he plays for the Miami Heat he travels all of the time. I met Kevin Carter at this party in Los Angeles and we started hitting it off.

"Baby can you hand me Jayden's diaper bag ? " I asked Kevin.

"Yea" he said passing me Jayden's diaper bag.

"Thank you" I said.

I walked up to Mendencess doorstep and knocked on the door.

"Hold on" he said as I rolled my eyes.

He finally opens the door and grabs Jayden's Carrier and diaper bag. I saw Mendencess new fiance in the living room and I'm happy that he found someone new in his life.

"I'll be back on Thursday to pick Jayden up" I told Mendencess.

"Ard" he said.

"Don't let your new fiance play Mommy with my son" I whispered to him.

"Fine" he said throwing his hands back.

I got down and tickled Jayden in his carrier.

"Mommy loves you" I cooed, I got up and gave Mendencess a side hug.

"Bye" I said waving back at Mendencess and Jayden, walking back to the car.

I opened the car door and got in. "Let's go baby" I said.

"Ok" he said as we drove off.


Yes, I'm engaged to Sydney the girl I met at my job, after me and Jasmine split up, I started talking to Sydney.

"Hey Lil man" I cooed at Jayden, I tickled him and he giggled.

"Goodmorning baby" Sydney said giving me a peck.

"Goodmorning" I said back, playing with Jayden.

"Hey Jayden" she cooed coming over to see him.

"Babe, my baby mama don't want you to play Mommy with Jayden" I told her.

She frowned. "Mendencess I'm about to be your wife soon and she needs to know I'm here to stay" she said sternly.

"Don't start getting loud around my son !" I warned her.

"My bad" she said rolling her eyes.

"I'm gonna go take Jayden upstairs to his nursery, I'll be right back." I told her, taking Jayden upstairs.

"Here you go Jayden" I said, sitting Jayden in his crib.

I ran back downstairs stairs and continued the conversation with Sydney.

"I know that your about to be my wife but at the end of the day Jasmine is his mom and she's not doing it to be smart" I told her.

She chuckled and crossed her arms on her chest. "Yes she is Mendencess, she doesn't like me" she said simply.

I came close to Sydney and kissed her passionately.

"Mhm" she said, starting to take off her clothes, I stopped her and pointed up at the ceiling.

"Babe my son is upstairs" I reminded her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot" she said, fixing her clothes.


I'm sixteen years old now and yes, me and A.J are still together. Life been different now Jasmine found a new guy my mom and her are not arguing no more. I was over A.J's house to keep him company.

"I love you A.J" I smiled.

"Love you too" he said back smiling.

I leaned over and kissed him on his soft lips, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Here" he said going in his pocket and handed me a case.

I opened it and it was a promise ring.

"Oh my gosh" I exclaimed.

A.J got down on one knee and looked deeply in my eyes.

"Cyn, I love you and I'm giving you this ring to promise you that I'm gonna marry you someday" he said as he slide the ring on my ring finger.

I cried in tears of joy and hugged him, words can't even describe how I'm feeling now. I love this guy and he's mine.




"Kevin dinner is ready" I said.

"Coming" he said back.

He walked in the dining room.

"Finally" I said in sarcasm.

"I was working on my vows" he smiled at me. I blushed. "Oh" I said, giving Kevin his plate as I sat down to eat my food with him.

"I can't wait until you're Ms.Carter" he smiled as we locked hands together.

I giggled. "Me too"

We both was devouring our food.

He wiped around his mouth with a napkin."That was good" he complimented on my cooking, I'm learning since I'm about to be his wife.

"Thank you honey, I'm glad you liked it" I said smiling at him, grabbing his plate.

I was washing the dishes and Kevin came behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"Not right now Kevin, I'm doing the dishes" I chuckled.

"Forget about the dishes" he whispered in my ear.

He put his hand down my pants, I jumped at his touch. I let out a soft moan, holding on the counter.

"Like that" Kevin said licking his lips.

I couldn't even speak because I was in the moment with him. He sat me up on the counter and entered me, I rolled my eyes back as he began thrusting me.

I bit my lip. "Shit Kevin !" I moaned.

"Hold on bae" he said,continuing thrusting me. I moaned louder.

"Shush" he said shushing me, I tried not to scream by biting down on my lip.

"Ugh" he groaned, releasing his seed inside of me. I breath in relief and I needed to take a shower after that, Kevin zipped up his pants.

"I'm going in the shower" I told him.

"Ard" he said.

I was taking a nice warm shower,then Kevin came in and joined me. We was kissing each other in the shower and washed off. We both got out and put on our bed clothes, I just had on some underwear and a big T-shirt.

I climbed in bed with Kevin.

"Goodnight" I said to him,giving him a peck on his lips.

"Goodnight" he said back.

I laid on his chest as he comfort me, and we both feel asleep.

Wow go Jaz ! She found a new guy and she's getting married. tell me what you think about Jasmine being engaged to Kevin ?

Will Mendencess and Sydney engagement last ?

Who do Mendencess love the most ?

Are you team #TeamMendencess or #TeamKevin

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