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4 months later


I stayed over Mendencess house for 4 monthsand I haven't got a single call from my mom in 4 months. Mendencess been out with his friends a lot lately I've been very suspicious of Mendencess because of what happened with him and Erica and she's trouble. I just hope that he ain't sleeping with the bitch !.

On the other side of town.


Me and Mendencess been having good sex lately and I've been hearing that Jasmine is pregnant with Mendencess baby. But I don't care because, Mendencess been telling me that " He wants me to have his baby and be with him he loves me" and all types of other shit. Mendencess know that he doesn't wanna be with Jasmine because she don't show love to Mendencess and she doesn't even have a bombing body like mines.

I kissed Mendencess on his lips. "Goodmorning baby" I said to him.

He turned over to me. "Goodmorning to you sexy" he said back. I giggled. "Oh, baby your sexy too" I told him.

I got up and went into the bathroom and got in the shower. Mendencess followed behind me and got in the shower with me we had sex in the shower.

"Men....dencess" I stuttered. As he picked me up entering inside of me. He started going and I rolled my eyes back. "Oh god Mendencess !" I yelled. I dug my hands into his back. He groaned and bit down on his lip. "I can't take it" I moaned.

He smirked."I'm almost done" he said.
"Don't release yourself inside me !" I said defensive. He nodded his head. "Alright, imma pull it out" he told me.

He pulled himself out of me and I got out the shower so he can take care of himself in the bathroom. Morning sex is the best with Mendencess he knows what he's doing and he's good.

"Babe" he said. As he left out of the bathroom. " Yea" I said back. " I gotta go" he told me. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, you gotta go home to wifey" I said playfully. He came up to me and held me by my waist. "Yea" he said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Ok, come back tonight" I told him. "Ight" he said passionately kissing me.


I just lefted Erica house and sometimes I feel guilty of what I'm doing cheating on Jasmine while she's pregnant with our baby. I know that she's gonna be on my ass when I come home. All the sudden Jasmine texts me.

Jasmine: Where are you ? Where have you been all night ? I gotta go to my doctors appointment today and your not home !

Damn. I know that Jasmine is pissed at me and I forgot that her doctor appointment is today the doctor is gonna announce the sex of the baby today. I got in my jeep and drove home. When I came home I walked in the house and I saw Jasmine pissed at me sitting on the couch arms folded.

"Hey, babe" I said. She rolled her eyes. "Where have you been ?" she asked. "Work" I lied. She rolled her eyes. "Lies" she said.

" I don't have time for this Jasmine !" I yelled. She stood up. "Tell me the truth" she said.

I signed loudly. " I just told you !" I yelled. "Whatever Mendencess !" she said getting mad. I checked the time on my phone. "We gotta go to your appointment" I reminded her. She signed. "Okay" She said calmly.

We got in the car and drove to the clinic. The car ride was silent the whole time. Jasmine held her stomach.

"Ouch" she said. I looked over at her. "What's wrong" I asked. "Your baby is kicking the shit out of me" she told me. I smirked. "Don't worry you have 5 months left" I chuckled. She smiled."Yea".

We got out of the car and went into the clinic and signed in. We sat down and waited for fifteen minutes.

"Jasmine Anderson and Mendencess Falcon" the doctor called. We both got up and walked over to him. "Yea" we both said. "Come with me" he said walking away. We both followed behind him into his office. Jasmine laid back on the hospital bed.

"Ok, let's find out what's the baby sex is" he said excitedly. Jasmine lift up her shirt to her belly. The doctor applied gel on Jasmine's belly and we was all looking at the ultrasound on the screen. I felt a tear come out of my eye but I wiped it away.

"Here's the baby, Andddd...it's a Boy !" he exclaimed. I was happy as ever I can't believe that I'm having a boy I'm gonna teach him everything and give him all the love from me.

"Mendencess" Jasmine said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yea" I replied. "I'm happy that we're having a boy and your gonna be a great father" she told me. I smiled at her and kissed her, love was in the air already.


I'm so happy that I'm having a boy and seeing Mendencess happy I couldn't wish any better. But, me and Mendencess gotta talk when we go back home because I know he's hiding something from me, I just can't figure out what it is.

"Your good to go Jasmine" the doctor said. Mendencess helped me up, we left out of the clinic and drove home. I was staring out of the car window as Mendencess drove us home.

I saw from the corner of my eye Mendencess phone light up, they're was a text message on his phone and it said Bae on the screen. I was so heated from what I saw cuz he's messing with another bitch behind my fucking back!

"Are you fucking another bitch ?" I asked Mendencess with an attitude. He looked at me like he was innocent. "No" he lied. I looked him in the face and I know that he was lying.

"Why you staring me down like that ?" he asked. I clicked my tongue. "Cuz, you be lying" I told him. He signed. "I don't know what you're talking about" he said.

I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms. "Ok Mendencess" I said.

We arrived home and I walked in the house and ran upstairs in Mendencess bedroom. I slammed the door and I cried in the pillow. "What is he doing behind my back ?" I sobbed wiping my tears away. Mendencess knocked on the door.

"Baby, you alright ?" he asked. This nigga know I'm not alright I'm fucking crying my eyes out for him because I'm hurt. "Yea, I'm ok" I lied. "Ight, I gotta go to work I'm working a late shift" he said. "Ok, fine" I said.


I can't tell Jasmine the truth she's gonna hate me and since our baby is coming in five months I want my son to see his parents together and happy. I gotta go to work tonight around 7 it's like 5:00 pm I'm gonna go over Erica's house and hookup with her maybe.

I arrived at Erica's house. I walked up the steps and knocked on her door she finally opened the door and she was in a black lace bra and panties. I was smiling from ear to ear, she leaded me into her bedroom.

I started kissing her on her neck. "Ahhh that feels good" she moaned. I knew that was her weak spot then I got intense with it. I stripped down naked and she stripped herself down naked too. Then I started making love to her.

"I love you" Erica said. I kissed her lips softly. "I love you too" I said back.

I felt her scratching my back and I know that she was enjoying it.

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How do you feel about Mendencess lying to Jasmine ?

Do you think that Erica was wrong for sleeping with her Best friends Ex ?

Will Mendencess get away with this ?

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