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Jasmine Pov

So, I got suspended from school for five days and I'm really pissed off because of how Erica wanna come at me, but hey friends come and go she wasn't a real friend she was fake. Mendecess is supposed to come over and pick up his stuff that he left over my house I don't know if we can be together or not everything has been rocky lately and I can't take it no more.

I'm laying on my couch watching TV and I see Mendecess at the door I got up and to go open the door for him.

"Hey" I said with a wave. Mendecess tried to give me a hug but I back away from him.

"No hug " he said Dissapointedly.

I nodded my head no.

I gave him the rest of his stuff that was inside a box."Here" I said.

"Thanks" he said.

"Well, you can go now Mendencess" I told him. I rolled my eyes.

Mendencess wouldn't move he was still standing near the door with a guilty look on his face. I got up and walk towards him.

"What's wrong ? " I asked him.

"I made a huge mistake, I lost the best girl that I can ever have and I was stupid that I hooked up with your friend Erica"He admitted

"Well, Mendencess it's
Easy to forgive and forget...I'm still in love with you, but I'm confused about us" I told him.

Mendencess Pov

I want Jasmine back and the only way I can get her back is make my move on her.

"I mean Mendencess your the best thing that ever happened to me. She said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You too Jasmine" I told her as I kissed her and held her by her waist.

Jasmine's Pov

Mendencess kissed me and I'm so addicted to his soft lips I couldn't resist him long enough I wanted him.

"Mendencess I'm ready" I told him.

"Really ? Are you sure ?" he asked.

"Yes! " I said excitedly.

We went up to my room and I went in the bathroom to wash my face off I came out and I made the first move by kissing Mendencess on his lips, he was rubbing my back I took off his shirt and he took off my mines Mendencess body was so muscular and he turned me over and got on top of me and kissed me down my neck to my stomach. I tried to back off cause he was getting too intense with it I couldn't take it but he grabbed me by my thighs, and pulled me back towards him.

"Mmm...Mendencess" I said.

I was scratching his back. "Ahhh !" I screamed in the sound of pain.

"Hol up" he said.

I couldn't take much more of this pain but, then it became less painful.

An hour later we was done having sex and I ain't gonna lie I still have those feelings for Mendencess and I love him.

"ight babe, I gotta go" he said getting up and putting his clothes on.

"Okay" I said getting a big T-shirt from my dresser and putting it on. I walked Mendencess to his car and I gave him a kiss. "Text me" I reminded him. "ight Jaz" he said. He drove off in his car.

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