Living in Lies

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Me and Mendencess kept having sex and I wasn't getting exhausted I needed him tonight.

"Ughhhhhh!" I moaned loudly. Mendencess puts his finger on my lip.

"Shushh" he said. I was gripping on the sheets. Mendencess was kissing on all over my body driving me crazy.

After an hour later of making love to each other, Mendencess wifey called him.

"Hello" he spoke into the phone. I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you ?" Jasmine asked him.
"Still at work" he lied.

"I'm going over one of my girls house" Jasmine told Mendencess.

"Ard" he said, ending the phone conversation.

I pulled Mendencess in for a kiss."You not staying over tonight ?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "Naw" he said, face palming himself.

"Imma be lonely tonight" I whined.

"I know Erica, I gotta leave in a few" he told me, putting back on his clothes.

"You gonna be working behind the bar tonight ?" I asked.

"Yea, you should come to the club tonight" he suggested.

I nodded my head."Yea.I'll come, I just gotta find an outfit you'll like" I said in a sexy voice.

"Don't get a round two" he joked.

I laughed.


I'm bout to head out to work and since Erica is coming I can have a little fun with her at work. Jasmine been blowing up my phone ever since l left the damn house.

"Bae I gotta go" I told Erica, pulling her in for a hug and kiss.

"Ight, imma go lay down for a bit. I'll call you when I'm at the club" she said.

"Ard" I said back.

45 minutes later.

The club is already packed with people in there. I went behind the bar and did my thang, making drinks for everyone. This sexy girl walks up to the bar.

"Hey, can I have a glass of goose vodka ?" she asked.

"Yea shorty, coming right up" I told her.

She smiled. "What's your name ?" she asked.

"Mendencess" I told her, pouring her a bottle of vodka.

"Oh, I'm Sydney" she introduced.

I gave her a glass of Vodka. "Here's my phone number" she said with a wink.

I smiled.


I'm over Kim's house and Tiara is on her way here.

"Me and Mendencess are having problems again" I told her.

"Let me guess, he's cheating on you" she said.

"Maybe" I said back.

Tiara walked in. "Hey girls" she said.

"Hey" Me and Kim said.

"Mendencess been staying out lately and something is telling me that he's cheating on me" I told them.

Tiara rolled her eyes annoyed. "Mendencess really need to clean up his act and stop being a liar" she said.

"I trust Mendencess y'all" I told them.

They both signed."Next topic" Kim said.

We have been talking for almost 2 hours and Mendencess supposed to pick me up after work.

My phone vibrated.

Boo: I'm outside.

Me: Ok.

"Girls, I gotta bounce" I told them, making a sad face.

"Give us a hug" they both said, pulling me in a group hug.

"Ard, call me y'all" I told them, leaving Kim's house.

"Ok" they both said.

I walked over to Mendencess car and sat on the passengers side.

"How was your day ?" I asked him.

"Same" he said.

I rolled my eyes annoyed. "You know my birthday is in 2 months ?" I asked excitedly.

"Yea" he said.

"What's wrong with you ?" I asked getting mad.

"I'm trying to focus on the damn road and you're asking me all of these damn questions !" he blurted out.

I put my hands over my face and cried. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

Mendencess looked over and saw me crying.

"I'm sorry" he apologised, kissing my hand.

"Stop" I told him.

He stopped and kept on driving. We arrived home, I ran upstairs to Mendencess bedroom and laid down on the bed.

I don't even know, who Mendencess is
anymore. I never saw this side of him. Yelling at me, arguing with me and staying out late.

"Jasmine !" he called.

I ignored him.

"Jasmine let's not argue and yell at each other we love each other so much to be fighting. Let's not stress our baby" he said, feeling my baby bump.

"Mendencess, are you honest to me ?" I asked him.

"Yes, I am. I love you and our baby" he said deeply.

"I love you too" I said back, kissing him.

How do you feel about Mendencess getting Sydney's phone number ?

Will Erica find out ?

Is Mendencess living in honesty or lies ?

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