I'm still in love with you

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"The fuck man, why you disrespected my baby ma Jasmine ?" I spat at Sydney.

"Your baby mama don't like me so I'm gonna do what I wanna do !" she yelled.

I chuckled. "You know what get out !" I said sternly.

She sucked her teeth. "Glad too" she packed all her clothes in a suitcase. I opened the door for her.

"See ya"

"I didn't need you anyway" I said slamming the door.

I want Jasmine back but she moved on in her life with Kevin. I know Jasmine don't love Kevin the way she loves me, I gotta talk to her again.

Me: let's talk tonight.

Jaz: okay.

I'm still in love with this girl.



I just got a call from Cyn's principal saying that she had got in a fight. I rushed right down to her school, words couldn't even describe how pissed I am. I walked to the principal office and I saw Cyn and some girl separated on a bench.

"We're going to have talk" I said pointing my finger at her making a frowned face.

I knocked on the principal door and she opened it.

"Hello, your Cyn's sister right ?" she smiled weakly.

"Yea" I shook my head.

"Well your sister got in a physical altercation in the hall with this lady" she said looking over at the girl. "You should have a talk with her or something because this behaviour is not allowed" she explained.

I shook my head. "Oh don't worry we're gonna talk alright" I joked looking over at Cyn, she had her head down.

"Have a good day" the principal said smiling weakly.

"You too" I said back. I looked down at Cyn. "Come on" I told her, she got up and followed behind me. Having her head down.

We got in the car and she looked dissapointed.

"Cyn, don't head down that path" I warned her.

She looked over at me. "Head down what ?"

" fighting and shit, doing dumb stuff!" I said raising my voice, hitting the car steering wheel.

"I'm sixteen ! I'm gonna do what I what when I want !" she shouted.

"Oh so you wanna get pregnant ?" I asked sternly.

She didn't say anything.

"You having sex ?" I asked concerned.

She signed. "ARE YOU HAVING SEX? " I said raising my voice.

A tear rolled down her cheek. "Yes" she admitted in a low tone. Covering her face.

I held in my tears cause I am really dissapointed in Cyn. I know that I had sex at sixteen but where did that lead me oh yeah Pregnant ! Cyn is not gonna head down that path, I want her to do better and not mistakes like I did.

"We're here" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry sis" she apologised, I reached over and hugged her.

"It's okay" I said accepting her apology.

After she got out of the car I drove off and went back home to pick up Jayden so I can drop him off at his other grandmother's house.

I sat my car keys on the table and took off my jacket.

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