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I was playing with Jayden in his play pin and he's the best gift that I ever had.

Sydney came into the nursery.

"Hey baby" she said giving me a kiss.

"Hey" I said back, playing with Jayden.

She took a seat in the rocking chair.

"Honey, tomorrow we gotta go talk about the wedding planning" she said.

I signed. "Sydney, I know. I'm not feeling it right now ight ?" I told her. She rolled her eyes,getting up and leaving the nursery.

I hurried and put Jayden back in his crib and went into the bedroom, where Sydney was at.

"What the fuck is your problem ?" I said sternly, closing our bedroom door.

"You always shutting me out !" she snapped.

"Oh, because I said I'm not feeling it right now" I said raising my voice.

"Yeah, Mendencess this day is important to me and you, I'm about to be your wife" she said,throwing her hands up

I wiped my hands down my face and signed. "You're right, I'm sorry" I apologized, coming close to her"

"It's okay" she said as she kissed my lips.

I went in her panties and rubbed her shaved girl, she let out a soft moan.

"S-stop teasing me Mendences-s" she stuttered, trying to move my hand away but I brushed her hand away and kept teasing her.

"Mhmmm..." she moaned as she bit down on her lip. I lift her up and laid her on the bed, I took off her panties and threw them on the floor. Then, I took out my boy and tried to fit him inside of her.

"Oh my god !" she yelled in pleasure.

I was thrusting in and out of her, and rubbing her girl at the same time.

"Wait" she said sitting up and taking off her shirt and bra. "Ok" she said laying back down. She dug her nails in my back and I was kissing all over her.

"Shit !" she groaned.

I got off of her and rolled on the other side of the bed.

"Why you stop ?" she asked dissapointed.

"I'm tired" I told her, huffing and puffing.

"Imma go take a shower and get ready to go she my mother" she told me, getting out of bed.

I rolled over to her side and smacked her ass.

"Ouch" she said rubbing her ass, I licked my lips. "Keep that up you'll get another surprise from me" she said in a sexy voice.

I smiled and licked my lips. "Don't get another round" I chuckled.

"Yes daddy" she said seductively.

I chuckled and put on my clothes.




I just got done making love to Kevin and I gotta admit, his sex is really good but it's not better than Mendencess.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" I told him trying to breath in oxygen.

"Imma going join you" he said.

Me and Kevin went in the bathroom and turned on the shower, I took off my clothes and Kevin took off his. We both got in the shower and washed each other off.

Best Mistake ( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now