Something is wierd

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it's been three days and I wake up with morning sickness feeling lightheaded and dizzy and ready to puck again. I don't know why I feel like this today, yesterday I was feeling fine as ever and now the next day I'm sick.

I rubbed my head and blinked my eyes "ugh... my stomach" I groaned. my mom came in my room saw me laying in bed.

" Baby, are you alright ?" she asked.

I tried to sit up in my bed "No" I replied.

"well, you should go to the doctors today I'll make a call for your appointment today" she suggested as she left out of my room.

I felt like mucus was coming up my throat and right before you knew it I had to make a run to the bathroom toilet. I continued throwing up in the toilet and I decided to go to the doctors right away. I couldn't take much more of this throwing up.

I did my hygiene, brushed my teeth and put on my clothes then I left out of the house and got in my car and drove off on my way to the clinic.

At the doctors office :

"Ok Doc, I have been throwing up all day constantly and I don't know why. yesterday I was feeling great now today I wake up with a headache and vomiting. I explained to her. She nodded

"Well, we're going to have to run a few tests on you." she said, writing something on her clipboard. She gave me a cup and told me to go pee in it, I got up and went to the bathroom after I was done I gave her my urine sample, so she can test it out.

"Ok" I said as I nodded my head.

30 minutes later :

The doctor came back in the room looking anxious to speak to me. She take a look at her clipboard and covered her mouth with her hand, at that moment I was scared and nervous about what she was gonna tell me.

"After, I ran a few tests on you I found something in your system and your expecting a baby soon." She told me.

"Wow, I can't believe this happened to me I'm really pregnant ? how am I even going to explain this to my parents ?" I exclaimed.

"I don't know Jasmine I'm sorry." she said.

I felt a tears streamed down my face as I wiped my tears away and I held my stomach to feel my baby.

"This is my first week pregnant ?" I asked her.

"No, you are 2 weeks pregnant so far your next appointment will be in 1 month soon, when you come back we can see an ultrasound of your baby and hear his or her heartbeat." she explained.

"Okay" I said, leaving the doctors office.

I'm thinking how am I gonna to explain this to my mom ? but also Mendencess I'm so confused and I feel like I've made the biggest mistake of my life.

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