1-The new kid

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There I was just trying to MIND MY OWN BUSINESS, and the new kid in my class kept looking at me. Since he's new I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, and also because he's cute, but man, he was creepin me out!

I'm pretty sure that his name is Michael. I only know this because Kim (who is my best friend) keeps up with all the schools latest news and gossip. I remember her telling me about a new kid named Michael who was "the hottest thing since the sun" which makes no sense, but I usually let kim just say her nonsense most of the time. if you knew kim, you would know that she is happy as long as she is in her nice little world of happy rainbows and unicorns and magical creatures that live in her head.

Why is he staring at me anyways. He seems like the type of guy who shows up at school and instantly becomes liked and popular. You know the kind. the ones with the cute boyish look and shorty remarks and their smooth moves that can make a girl swoon. yeah he's that type of guy. This is why I'm confused as to why he is wasting his time looking at me. Not like I'm not attractive or anything because I actually like the way I look, but it's that I'm just lexie. I'm not popular and I don't see me having a boyfriend until like college or something.

Of course Kim, being Kim started screaming my name trying to secretly get my attention. It wasn't really working considering she sat on the opposite side of the room as me. Sometimes you just gotta wonder what's going on in that little brain of hers. she's smart though, like really smart. she makes principals honer roll every single year and her lowest grade is a 96, but when it comes to common sense, she is lacking.

"Pssssttt! Leexxxiieee" I heard her whisper shouting this over and over again.

I tried my very hardest to ignore her but alas, to no avail. She had not stopped for the last ten minutes.

"Psssssttt!!!!! LEEEXXXIIIEEEE"
"WHAT" I whisper shouted right back at her. "The hot new kid is totally checking you out." Okay I know people can hear this conversation and she is majorly embarrassing me. "He is not!" I retorted defensively. She scoffed in disbelief. "He is probably looking at me because he can hear everything your saying! so please shut up!" I whisper screamed back. "fine." finally kim stopped embarrasing me. until I notice that now Michael is not only looking at me, but he is giving weird glances inbetween me and Kim with an inquisitive face. great. news he's creeped out by us.

Lunch rolled around and I was grateful to get out of a class with Michael. I'm almost sure that by the end of the week he will have a restraining order against me.

I was about to get in the lunch line when Kim stopped me.

"OMG Lexie" she squealed smiling so hard that her lipstick was cracking. Does lipstick crack? I wouldent know since I don't wear make up. I snapped out of me being lost in my brain long enough to say "what?"
"You have never had a boyfriend and now there is a suitor who seems to be very interested! Plus he's hot" Ok she needed to calm down. If he did think I was cute, any chances of him liking me were ruined when Kim decided to stop using her brain.

"Okay who said he was looking AT me. He might have been looking PAST me... Or maybe he was looking at me because two loud girls were talking about him right in front of him, just a guess"

"Okay, what ever. Let's go to lunch miss 'never lets Kim have any fun'"

"Okay let's go!" I said joyfully just being grateful that she finally dropped the issue.

We sat down at the same table we always sit at and started talking.

"So, why have you never dated? I mean, your always there to help me out when I have boyfriend issues and I've never been able to do that with you." Kim said sadly.

"Look, you know how I am. I like being alone and I don't like new people. it took me years to get used to you and I don't really want to start that process all over with someone who may or may not be a jerk."

"Okay I can get that. but what about that yummy next door neighbor of yours, uhh, nelson."

"Nelsons in college kim."

"Yes I know that, but he's only 17 and he would be in our grade of he weren't go freakishly smart."

"Yeah, but still. Nelson is like me brother. dating him would be weird. now can we please drop the subject and eat lunch?"


Right as we started having our lunch all of a sudden, Michael walked up to our table. Great.

"Hey I'm Michael" he said nonchalantly
"Hi, yeah, uh, Lexie" why am I tripping over my words all of a sudden? "Hi Lexie, since I'm new, do you think you could give me a tour of the school or maybe even town if your up for it?" My brain isn't quite processing what is going on right now. Before I could answer, Kim leaned over and said "she'd love to!" I am so going to get her back for this. "Okay great can I meet you after school?" I didn't know what to say so I just slowly nodded my head. " okay see you later Lexie"

Wait... What just happened?

"I told you so" Kim said obnoxiously. "Shut up" I snapped.

I'm very confused right now. Why was he even talking to me. I'm such a dork and he very well could be such a... Well... Not a dork. I gotta admit though. Kim wasn't lying when she said he was hot. I didn't get a good look at him before but now that I did. Wow.

He had this light brown hair which you could tell was very thick, and deep blue eyes that if you stared into long enough you could get lost in. He is obviously very muscular by the way his muscles showed through his Hollister shirt, complemented by his manly jawline and he was fair, but still kind of tan. He was just.... Just... Perfect. Ugh. It's not fair to the rest of humanity who actually has flaws.

I know Kim will hate me for this but I think I'm going to ditch out on the whole showing him around thing. I don't really know how to act around new people and I don't really want to have to be awkward around yet another person. I'm kind of a loner. Never really been much for going out and conversing with others. I have no idea how Kim managed to weasel her way into my life but she did.

I didn't really like the thought of having a lot of friends. Doesn't that put stress and pressure on a person? Trying to like, remember all of their names and other things? Well I don't know. But I do know one thing. Someone as perfect as Michael does not just decide to one day be nice to people like me. It's like an unwritten rule.

Yeah that's it. I've already convinced my self out of going. Sorry Kim, guess no one else will weasel their way in to my life again.

Authors note:
The picture above is Michael if you couldn't tell.

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