7-The answer

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I walked into school on Monday feeling confident and ready to face Michael. I had everything all planned out. I would go to Michael at his locker and just say "yes I will go out with you". even though I wasn't really sure he would still want to go out with me after making him feel so weird.

It was the first class change of the day and we get seven minutes between each class so I would have time to talk to him then.

I saw him through the crowd of people, which wasn't that hard considering he was a very tall person.

I clenched my fists to see if they were sweaty. Yes they were. I walked up to Michael not knowing what to say and just kind of stood there.

At first he didn't know I was behind him because he was a little preoccupied with trying to get all of his books gathered for his next class. Once he saw me he was slightly startled but his shocked expression was soon replaced with his lopsided smile.

"Hey Lexie, what's up"

"Uh,I , I just wanna say, I just wanna say that- um, Yes I'll go out with you" he let out a loud chuckle at what I had to say.

"I'm glad it only took you three days to find your answer" he said in a mocking tone.

"Hey! Shut up. I don't come to conclusions very easily"

"Yeah I figured, so you wanna go to dinner this Friday?"

"Yeah sure" now my palms are almost precipitating because of how much they are sweating.

"Okay well I'll see you later, gotta get to class."

"Kay, byeee" why did I extend the bye? Ugh he probably thinks I'm so weird.

After I got past the fact that I am and awkward turtle every time I'm near him, I realized something. I had a date. With a real human being. Who was a guy.

This should go down in the history books because this hasn't happened to me yet. Probably won't happen again for quite a while. OMG... This is crazy!

What am I gunna do when the date rolls around? What am I going to wear and how will I get my hair! Lol that rhymed.

Okay focus Lexie! Your in class and you have a test tomorrow. You should probably listen to the teacher. Ugh! I can't focus when something so exciting is happening to me right now!

But wait... What if Michael doesn't think of it as a big deal at all? What if he doesn't really care? That is highly probable. Oh no.

Okay relax. Wow I really need to stop reading in to things so much. If I were someone else listening to myself I would give myself a headache. Okay I think I will be more calm about this if I tell someone.

"Woah you actually have a date? I known you for years and you've never gotten to wear a guy would actually ask you out." Nelson said in a mocking manner.

Somehow because there was no one else to tell, I ended up on Nelsons front porch sitting next to him because I just couldn't NOT tell some one.

"Shut up you loser!" I said jokingly
"I better enjoy this because I don't think there will be another one."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Why do you care?"

"I don't, but I think this guy would be a idiot if he didn't take you out on another date."

"He probably thinks I'm like this weirdo or something."

"Well have you done anything to make him think your a weirdo?"

*thinking back to all the weird things I've done in front of Michael*

It takes me about five minutes to answer Nelson because I'll admit, I've done a lot a strange things around Michael and It took a while to organize all of them into my head.

I was snapped back into reality, LITERALLY, when Nelson was snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Hellooo? Earth to Lexie, wake up Lex"

"Yes" I told him very bluntly

"Yes to what?" He asked

"Yes I've done plenty of things to make me think your a weirdo."

"Hmm... Well I don't think I like this guy. It's obvious you don't feel comfortable around him." He said

"Thanks dad, that's exactly what I wanted to hear." I told Nelson in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm tired of your back talking young lady. Now you to your room!" He said as he payed along

"What ever, okay bye Nelson!" I shouted as I was running back to my house.

"Bye, and tell me how it goes" he should back out a me.

"Okay I will" was my last words before I slipped through my front door into my house.

I was right! I do feel better after I talked to someone! But then Nelsons words rattled around in my head. I DID feel uncomfortable when I was around Michael. I just couldn't help it. I need to get over that though.

why does he makes my nerves go off when I talked to him. I know that it's not some corny reason like 'because he's my true love' or 'it's the fire works that go off when I see him'. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something makes me feel all nervous and strange.

I've decide I'm going to put these thoughts off until tomorrow. It's getting to late and I have that test tomorrow.


These ~~~~~~~ mean that there will be a time change or location. Just letting you know :)

Oh and that's a picture of Lexie at the top. I will probably put one picture with each character because I like putting names with faces.

And because I've read some of these and each time they use a picture a a different person for every character and it got on my nerves :)

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