9-The date

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I looked up at the clock. Six thirty. I still had a while before Michael would be here, so I sat dawn to watch sponge bob. The old episodes of course since the news ones suck.

Fifteen minutes flew by quicker than I though when I heard a knock on the door. I swear it feels like I just sat down two minutes ago. I looked at the clock and realized that I did.

He's early. Oh well good thing I got ready ahead of time. I went to the door quickly because of my excitement. I opened it with a big smile, but then my smile faded.

"Oh, it's just you." I said bitterly to Nelson.

"Nice to see you to!"

"Since when did you start being sarcastic?"

"I guess you had so much sarcasm in you that it just rubbed off on me."

"Hey! That's not true!" I said defensively, even though I know that it is true. I'm one of the most sarcastic people that I can possibly think of.

"So where are you going looking like that?" Nelson said as he gestured to my outfit.

"Non-ya, so why'd you come over?"

"I saw sponge bob was on through your window and I wanted to watch it, our power is out and I haven't watched tv in over a week."

"Seriously?" Wow that's the weirdest thing ever.

"Yes 'seriously'" he said as he mocked the way I said it.

"Your such a dork you know that?"

"Yeah I know, so can I watch tv or not?"

"Ugh fine, but I'm leaving pretty soon and when I get back I expect you to be gone."

"Okay I will, ohhh, you have that date don't you?"

"Yeah I do, now shush, I'm missing all the good parts!" I said pointing to tv.


He's so weird. It's only six forty. I still have a good twenty minutes before Michael gets here. I just need to clear my mind and watch some sponge bob.

"So, who is this guy again?" Nelson asked, not taking his attention away from the tv.

"He's a new student from school, his name is Michael." After I said that, Nelson scoffed.

"What?" I asked him

"Nothing, it's just that all Michael's I've ever known was always a jerk. In kindergarten a kid named Michael threw kicked me in my shin because I wouldn't give him my pencil."

"I know, I was there to watch you running away balling your eyes out."

"We were in the same kindergarten class?"

"Yeah, that was before you realized you were freakishly smart and jumped two grades."

"Oh yeah, now I have a faint memory of you telling me to such it up and me a man after I was balling."

Oops. I forgot about that part. All of a sudden the door bell rang causing me and Nelson to perk up our head looking at it.

"Okay I'll get that, you stay here, and please be out of my house by at least eight." I said to Nelson.

"Yeah yeah whatever."

I ran to the door to answer it. I saw Michael there carrying a single rose. Awww that's so sweet!

He was wearing a dark blue button down dress shirt with a tie, but no jacket. Which is under stand able considering it's nearing summer and the weather is getting quite warm. He had on a pair of slacks with a pair of black dress shoes.

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