4-boy next door

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I got into my house and managed to make right as my mom was completing dinner. Rushing down the stairs was my older sister Jennifer. "So, this is the second time I've seen you with the hot new guy. Will you please tell what's up with you finally having human contact, and with a GUY" wait how did she know I was with him? "Hello Jennifer. Well nice to see you to. My day was good thanks for asking."

Our conversation when we heard a ding in the kitchen, which signifies that it was 7:55 and dinner was ready. Jennifer gave me a disapproving glance was she slowly turned away to head to the kitchen.

It was Friday with was chicken and rice day. We all sat down at the table and started to eat hoping we would have a nice conversation about something small and irrelevant like the weather or polar bears or something like that.

"So Lexie, where were you today?" My mom asked as she was taking another bite of the chicken. "She was with some guy" Jennifer answered for me. Wow I'm really getting tired of people doing that. I have a mind of my own, I can answer for my self.

"it was the new kid at school. He just wanted me to show him around this town so he could get used to it" why couldn't we just talk about polar bears?
"Oh so you showed him around... For Four hours?" I love my sister but she could be a pain.

The reason I don't really want to talk about this is because of my mom. She is the type of person who cares way to much. I love how she cares about us but sometimes it could be a pain. Since I was her youngest child she especially would want to make sure I was alright all the time.

This could be very good like if I was sick or sad, she would always know how to make me feel better. However, when it comes to me meeting new people or making new friends, she was always skeptical. I used to have tons of friends in 3rd grade but my mom scared them all off with her over protectiveness. She even creeped Kim out for a little while.

"Four hours?" My mom asked. Ugh, you could hear the disgust in her voice as she spoke. "No one is worth spending over two hours with except family." See what I mean about the over-protectiveness. "Mom, I was just trying to do something nice for him since he was a new student." Wow I am lying straight through my teeth. "Okay but I don't want to hear talk of any more boys until you have graduated college and find a job. Then, maybe, you can talk to boys." On that note, I just continued to eat my dinner silently.

I could hear traces of what Jennifer and my mom had been talking about. They were saying something about a fair that was coming to town or something, but I couldn't really pay any attention. I was thinking way to hard to listen.

I decided I needed to clear my head so I went out side for a walk. "Hey Lexie"
"What's up Nelson" Nelson was the guy who lived next door to us. Over the years of me passing his house and having little conversations, we had become pretty good acquaintances. He was around my age but was so smart he skipped a couple grades.

He unlocked his front gate and came to walk with me. "So what's on your mind?" He asked. "How do you know there's anything on my mind? Maybe I'm taking a walk just cuz" I knew that he would know better than that. "Okay spill." I didn't really feel like talking about it, which he probably knows.

"Spill what dufus? I don't have any liquid with me at the moment." I responded in a smart aleky way.

"You know what I mean"

"I know you are but what am i?"



"Oh Lexie, You make no since sometimes."

"Yeah but at least I don't have dirt in my face, dufus."

"What are you talking about I don't have dirt-" he was soon cut off my me throwing some dirt in his face. I know that was probably mean, but I knew none got in his eyes because of his glasses.

I know what you thinking. How could I be so calm and be myself around someone other than Kim. Well at first glance you would think Nelson would be hard to talk to because he is cute in a dorky sort of way, but still, none the less, cute.

He is just one of those people of you just kind of feel comfortable around and you feel no pressure about saying the wrong things when you are taking to him. I guess someone could be the most unsocial person and still have a conversation with him. He was like my older brother who's not really that much older or my brother.

"Okay enough of the dirt throwing" Nelson said as he wiped the remaining dirt from his face. "So are you going to tell me what happened today or not?" Nelson said impatiently. I finally gave and told him every thing that happened. I think he didn't know what to do since he was a guy and I was taking about girl drama stuff.

When I finished he was looked a little confused, then he said "shouldn't you be talking to Kim about this stuff." Wow. Did he really just say that. "YOU'RE the one who wanted to know!" Ugh. I'll just go home now. "Okay I'm leaving. Bye Nelson." I said hollered as I started jogging back to my house. "Later Lexie" he hollered back and went into his house.

I'm going to bed. That was enough adventures today for me.

Authors note:
The picture above is Nelson, in case any one was confused:)

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