19- going back

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With all of the strength I could muster up, I pulled myself out of bed and went to get ready for school. Ugh school. Every thing I hate. Teachers, boring classes, hard tests, and Michael.

Okay got to get dressed, eat breakfast, and think of the best apology speech to Kim. yep that's about right. I bet she's still really ticked off at me for sucking as a friend. I can't say I blame her though.

Ugh. good thing I woke up at like four in the morning. I would have never gotten every thing done. I still have home work that was due over spring break that I haven't done. well I still have a solid two hours to get it done.


"You ready?" Nelson asked as we were headed to his car.

"Um, I think so."

I didn't have time to look nice so I just pulled my hair into a messy bun and slapped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with flip-flops.

"Okay then let's go." he said motioning to the door handle.

"Yeah, right." I said as I slowly opened the door.

"Don't you think I could just skip biology?" I asked.

"No, you need to go. show him who's boss." he said

"Yeah, but we're doing a partner project today and I think I may end up punching him in the face."

"I wouldn't blame you if you did. now get in, you're gunna be late."

"Uggghhhh. coming"


"You ready?" Nelson asked me.

"I changed my mind. I don't want to go today. I'll try again tomorrow."

"Come on lex, I'll go with you."

"Won't you get in trouble?"

"Eh, the teachers won't notice. I blend in. I'll just walk you in and make sure your all right then I'm leaving"

"Okay." I took a big gulp. "lets do this."

He took my hand and practically dragged me through the parking lot. We got to the doors and my stomach was turning again.

"You ready?" He asked

"As ready as I'll ever be"

He opened the doors and hand in hand we walked in. No one even noticed that he didn't go here, which I find a little odd.

"See, not as bad as you thought it would be." Nelson told me.

"Yeah, only cuz j haven't seen you know who."

"Okay, I'll walk you to biology the ill leave."

"Please let me skip biology! pleeease!
I can just get the notes from this girl Marisa tomorrow." I begged

"Come on, I'll be there to help you."

"Just so you know, I'm not walking another step toward that class room." I said as I stared down the hallway.


I thought finally, he gave up. but I thought wrong. next thing I know he was pulling my arms and me dragging my feet behind him.

I strained to stay in place my flip-flops had a smooth, easy to slide bottom. I didn't think he would do this. I should've planned ahead and wore tennis shoes or something impossible to slide in. Oh lexie. if you did that he would have probably just picked you up and carried you. either way he was determined to get me to that biology class.

"Well, here's your stop." Nelson said with a satisfied smirk on his lips.

"Ugh. fine I'll go in."

"Thank you. now remember, just try to ignore him, because your here to learn. not to deal with drama."

"You get the worlds best mom award! Congratulations!" I retorted.

"Ha ha. Very funny." he said sarcastically. "now get in there and do some biology!" he said like he was a football coach pumping up the team before a big game.

"Okay, I'm going. bye Nelson." I said as I was about to walk through the door.

Before I made it all the way through, Nelson grabbed my hand spinning my around and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Just a kiss for good luck." he said while he was smiling.

"Bye nelson." I said waving as I finally entered the dreaded door of biology class.

Okay, i don't see Michael. that's a good thing.now just focus on school and... This is hard. I can't focus on school when there is so much stuff that I need to think about. for instance where I stand with Nelson. I know he likes me and I like him but we aren't like a couple or anything.

Then what am I going to do when I see Michael. What am I going to say? I'm just glad he's not here- and I spoke to soon. speak of the devil.

Who do he think he is? Just sauntering into class like he owns the place. well I don't know if I can control my emotions when he sits next to me. I might end up punching his face in, no joke.

Wait a second, it looks like someone already did! Holy crap! Some one beat him up! About time. a couple weeks ago I would've felt bad for him.

When he sat down, he didn't even look at me. he had his hand shielding his face so that he wouldn't see me or make awkward eye contact.

I do actually feel kind of bad for him though. who ever beat him up looks like they could've done some real damage.

Wait, is he still bleeding? No, he couldn't be. unless this just now happened. OMG focus lex! The teacher is talking and you have no idea what she is saying.

Okay I need to talk to him. I won't be able to listen to what ever the teacher is saying until I do.

"Pssst. Michael." I said in a whisper voice.

He didn't answer.

"Hey, pssssssst. what happened."

Still no answer.

"Psssssssssssssstttttttttttt. Michael!"

"What." he finally whisper yelled back.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, just leave it alone." He seem mad.

"No, who did this?" I pried on.

"Why do you care, don't you hate me."

"I don't care, but I'm a very curious person."

"Lexie, I probably had it coming."

"Yeah, but who did it?"

"No one." He's lying.

"So you punched your own face?" I said sarcastically

"Well, no."

"So tell me who."

"Look, just tell your boyfriend to cool it and that I didn't talk to you, okay?"


Uuuuggggggghhhhh. Nelson. what did he do. I swear sometimes that boy uggghh. he needs to work on his temper that's for sure.

Right when I get home he is getting A serious talking to.

Ugh. now I sound like my mom.

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