13-normal teen drama

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"Hey! Michael! Wait up!" I hollered at him as he was striding down the hallway.

"Yeah?" He asked as he turned around.

"Michael, I need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Why did you run off yesterday after you kissed me? Was I that bad of a kisser? Did I have bad breath or something? Maybe I was bad but I really don't know. It's not my fault if I was! It's my parents fault for giving me bad kissing genes! Or maybe it was because-"

"LEXIE!" He yelled while chuckling


"Calm down, okay?"

"Yeah... Okay. So tell me, why did you just run away? Was I a bad kisser? Was that to straight forward? I'm sorry... I'll just leave now."

"Lex, wait." He said as he grabbed my wrist, still chuckling.

"I didn't leave because of anything you did, okay?" He continued. "I left because I realized that I really like you, like... A lot and I got nervous."

Awwww! That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!

"Well I'm glad you feel that way."

Wait... Did I say that out loud?

"Umm yeah, so I'll see you later?" I think I'm late for biology.

"Wait one more time. Since yesterday, I was thinking about this and why don't we just go ahead and make it official." He said.

"Wait, like, I'll be your girlfriend? And vise versa?"

"Yep." He said popping the 'p'

"Ummm... Okay, yeah." I couldn't help but smile after I said that. He smiled too. Not like I grin or anything but like a full on smile. He looked good smiling.

"Okay then, I'm taking you home right?"


"Okay, bye lex."

"Bye" I waited until he left to whisper "bye boyfriend"


"Kim what do I do."

"Well I would say go get a manicure. Those cuticles are tragic."

"I mean about Michael. And-wait, they are? Ugh that's not the point. The point is I don't know how to be a girlfriend! You have to teach me."

"Well, no girl is the same. I think it will all depend on if who you are what type of girlfriend you will be. Just promise me you won't be the clingy type, okay?"

"Well I won't know how to not be the clingy type if you don't show me how Kim!"

"Alright fine. Teaching is a lot less fun than I thought it would be."

"you haven't taught me anything."

"But I will." She said with a smirk.

"Okay, can you like help me now and not later? That would be appreciated."

"Alright young grass hopper. You must learn my ways and do not question me."

"Okay sensei. What do I need to do?"

"Not a clue. If Michael were a normal guy, he would be dating someone like Mary Katherine super slut. Obviously he's not a normal guy since he went after you. I'm not sure how to handle him."

"You literally JUST told me that you were about to teach me."

"Well it not that simple. Every one of deferent. All I could do is go by what most guys would do but as I said, he is not most guys."

"Ugh. This is complicated." I groaned

"Honey this is typical teen drama. You don't even know what complicated is until you accidentally fall in love with one of your best friends while dating HIS best friend and then you have to move to Mexico under a new name."

"Ummm... Okay?"

"Seriously though. Lexie I don't need to help you with anything. He wants to be with you because he likes YOU. Don't act like this is such a big deal because it's not. It's just two people who are in a relationship and one of them just so happens to be very awkward."

"What if I screw it up?"

"Stop worrying about it. You're fine Lexie. He obviously likes you for a reason."

"Yeah. Your right."

"You want to know what I think?"

"Oh lord. What do you think Kim."

"I think you are not so much worried about what you will do to mess it up, but what he could do to mess it up."

"What?" I asked.

"It all makes perfect sense!" Kim said. "You're afraid that he will do something to hurt you or to break your heart."

"Ugh, pffft. Pfft-it's so not, pfft." Deep in my stomach I know, that is one hundred percent true.

"You don't want to give him your heart so you want to find a way to screw it up before you can even know if you like him or not."

"I already like him."

"You know what I mean. But, am I right?" She asked.

"Maybe your right." I whispered.

"when am I not right?"

"Get out."

"Yeah, okay. byeee! See you tomorrow boo!" She said as she winked at me while walking out the door.

Oh Kim. Sometimes your not right in the head.

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