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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR NOT GOING!" Wow Kim really needs to calm down. "I mean I'm not going. End of story." Kim gave me a glare of rage and annoyance. "Lexie Anniston Cooper, do not even say that. You're making my heart hurt!" Oh no... If she gives me the puppy dog eyes I swear. UGH... She knows she has the best puppy dog face known to man kind and she uses it against me.

"Please Kim, don't make me go. You know I don't like new people." I said quietly not wanting to give into her huge brown eyes and quivering lip. "Okay fine but I still don't understand why you don't like to be around new people. The more friends you have the more opportunities there will be for fun, and party's!"

Pullin the party card again. She knows how much I want to go to a party! I can't believe she brought that up. "Don't you think I know that!" "But-" "no buts. I said no and that's final" wow I really do sound like my mom, while we were having this argument I came to the realization that she was my ride home. This ought to be a great car ride.

She drove me back to my house and I was waiting on her to apologize to me since I did nothing wrong and she did. Then I started to think that maybe she was waiting on ME to apologize to HER. "I'm not going to apologize for snapping at you" I said still directing my attention toward the outside window. "I didn't expect you would, you have way to much pride to apologize for anything"

During the remainder of the car ride I was thinking of what Michael would be doing right now. Could he be waiting on me to come? Maybe he thinks I didn't know where to meet him at, or maybe he forgot about the whole thing. Yea that's possible right? He totally could have not remembered that I was even going to be showing him around. Even if he did remember it's not like he would be upset or anything like that, right? We DID only just meet today and I barley spoke two words to him. By now I'm sure he would have found new friends. Or maybe he will hate me forever and now I'll be known as the girl who was so heartless she wouldent even show a new kid around. Okay I really need to stop analyzing this in my head. Calm down Lexie. Stop worrying. It's ALL in your head. Okay I'm calm now.

I arrived to my house where I'm greeted at the door by my Italian grey hound and my older sister, Jennifer. "So, I saw you talking with a cute guy at school. Finally my little sis has a life!" Okay I know this is true but I took offense to that comment.

"Hey! I have a life" I stated defensively. "Going to the mall with you FRIEND" emphasis that it is singular, not plural. "And buying high heels is not a life." Oh yea and I do have a bit of a shoe problem. Not major but i think I own about 143 pairs of heels... Is that bad? Not having a good comeback I just stomped up to my room in my favorite floral print pumps muttering "I know your are but what am I" I'm really not very good at comebacks.

"LEXXIEEE, DIINNEERR" my mom shouted from downstairs. Ugh today's Wednesday. Wednesday is... Meatloaf day. if I don't die of natural causes, I'm sure this meatloaf will do me in. I took a big gulp waiting to prepare the the food (if you could even call it that) that my mom had prepared. I walked down stairs and to my surprise, there was not meatloaf on the kitchen table. Okay either I'm hallucinating or this is the first time we haven't had meatloaf on Wednesday. This has to be a mistake. I looked over and saw that there was a box of pizza on the table. But Thursday is pizza day... What's going on.

I all of a sudden freaked out. Not because of my moms extreme OCD with having to have specific foods for each specific day, but the fact that I HAD A PROJECT DUE TOMORROW! I completely blanked! I'm not used to any type of drama at school so when I do get some, I tend to get overwhelmed and my brain becomes a clattered mess.

I didn't have much time left because it was already dinner time and the project was due first thing tomorrow morning. "Honey, are you coming?" My mom asked looking slightly concerned. Wow I was lost in thought... Again. I really need to stop doing that.

I felt like I didn't have time to respond so I grabbed a few slices of the pizza and ran up to my room to get the project started. Ugh. Science. If I don't turn this in on time I think I will officially fail that class.

I spent the entire night trying to work on my poster board on chemical reactions and when I finally finished, I passed out right there on my desk.

I woke up with a major crick in my neck, but hey, at least I got my project done.

I walked into school with a superfluous amount of confidants in my fabulous project. It even had glitter! I was walking into school feeling super cockey when I got a rude awakening.

Something or someone bumped into my backside causing me to drop my project on the floor, and the some idiot stepped on it. Jerk. All the papers were crumbled and the glitter had traces of dirt in them... UGH! All my hard work! Not I will loose points for the 'aesthetic appeal'. This is just great.

I turn around and there he is. Of all the people who I could have run into, it was Michael. "I'm so sorry" Michael said not realizing who he was talking to. He looked up from scrambling to pick up the papers he had dropped and saw me.

"Oh hey, Lexie right?" I was being a dweeb and didn't know how to respond to human conversation. "Oh... Hehe, yeahh..." Gosh why am I so lame! "Hey why didn't you meet me? I was excited about getting a tour of the place." Why did he have to remember that. I was hoping he would just forget all about it and find something better to do. Apparently not.

"I'm so sorry about that...uh, I had... Uh... I had, this, this.... Project!! Yes I had this project that had to get done!" Well I felt bad for lying about why I didn't go, but in a way, did I really even lie? I mean, I DID have a project. I'm just trying to make myself feel less guilty for not going with him. I feel like an awful person.

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