11- heart flutters

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It was Friday night and Michael was about to pick me up so we could go see death city.

Since we were just going to the movie theater and not anywhere too special, I kept it causal. I wore an off white loose cardigan that went off the shoulder, along with black leggings and brown knee high boots. (Kim may have helped me)

He was picking me up at 6:00 so I have about, oh shoot, it 5:59. Wow time flies.

Not that much later I heard a knock at the door and I opened it to see a very happy Michael.

"Hey! You ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah, someone's in a good mood."

"Well I'm really excited to see this movie. I have no doubt it will scare the crap out of me but I love a good scare."

"Yeah, well let's go. What time does the movie start?" I'm really trying my best to hide the fact that I'm scared to death right now. Oh Lordy keep it together lex.

"Umm, I think at 6:20, so we should probably go."

"Yeah, let me go get my purse." I went and grabbed my Black fringe shoulder bag and I was out the door.

We were in his car listening the the Beatles (his choice) and I'm starting to freak out on the inside. What if I puke on him? That's what happened the last time I went to see a horror movie.

We arrived at starlight theater and I felt my heart drop in my stomach. I saw the cover of the movie and my goodness. It frightened me.

"Two tickets to death city please." Michael told the lady that worked there.

"That will be 14.95"

Goodness, movies have gotten so expensive.

Michael handed her the money and we walked inside.

"Do you want any snacks or anything?" Michael asked me.

"No, I'm fine, but thanks." I think it would be best that I watch this on an empty stomach.

We went into the movie theater and took out seat. It was just about to begin.

I think Michael could sense that I was nervous by the way that I was fidgeting in my seat. He wrapped his hand around mine to calm me down and it worked.

I took deep breaths in and out as the first scene was starting. Michael fidgeted his hands to where we were intwining our fingers. That did calm me down a lot more.

I was trying my best to to pay attention to the movie but it was kind of hard to look away to the the blood that was spewing out of the main characters neck.

How was she not dead yet?

I could feel my belly churning into little knots as I saw the people on the screen being murdered and cut open by the killer.

Suddenly the killer jumped out and was stabbing the mom in the heart. I let out a squeal and put my head into Michael's shoulder.

I could feel his chest moving up and down as he chuckled and rubbed my back attempting to calm me down.

The remainder of the movie I pretty much kept my head in Michael's chest as his arm was around my shoulders.

I could tell that he was deep into the movie and I didn't want to bother him so I just didn't move from his arms for a while.

Suddenly I saw the lights in the movie theater turn on as I heard footsteps walking away.

It was safe to look up now. Good.

"So I take it you like horror movies?" Michael asked me with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah. I was scared at all." I joked back.

"Why didn't you tell me you're scared of horror movies? We didn't have to go."

"Well I just wanted to go with you. I don't know." I said looking down at the feet.

"You didn't have to come just for me." he said

"Yeah, I know. but you said that you'd be scared if you went alone and, I don't know, I guess I didn't want to go alone." I said, still looking at my feet.

"You so sweet, you know that?"

I just shrugged my shoulders up and down.

Suddenly I felt a hand under my chin pulling my head up.

My eyes met with Michael's bright blue ones. He stared at my eyes then his vision moved down to my lips, and back up at my eyes.

His face was inching closer to mine and I closed my eyelids waiting for him to kiss me.

I was surprised when instead of being kissed, I felt a pair of soft lips owing pressed up against my cheek.

My heart was fluttering so much I thought it was about to fly away.

I opened my eyes and he lifted his face to look at mine again. He smiled and that couldn't help but make me smile.

With his hand still under my chin he looked in my eyes again and said "always keep your head up where I can see it. I love looking at your beautiful face."

Suddenly I was not so scared about the horror movie. I was just happy I decided to come so that this moment could happen.

I got to pick the song on the way back so we listened to love story by Taylor swift. I felt like it was appropriate for that night.

I arrived at my house and I told Michael bye as I walked in.

I was still smiling when I closed the door biting down in my bottom lip when I heard a loud trotting noise coming down the stairs.

Of course it was Jennifer. I would not let her ruin my happiness tonight with her being annoying. No way not how.

"Hey, how was the night out with your boyfriend?" She hollered from the stairs.

"He not my boyfriend! Or at least not yet." I yelled back

"Well, what's got you all perky" Jennifer asked as she reached the bottom stairs in nothing but sweatpants and a bra.

"Ugh, jen. At least go put on cloths."

"What do you call this?" She asked as she reached for her sweatpants pulling on the fabric.

"I was thinking like a shirt."

"Well I was eating and I didn't want to get any of my food on my shirt so I took it off. Duh. I swear you can be such i child sometimes." She said as she shoved another handful of chips in her mouth.

"Uh huh. I'm the child." I scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

"So you didn't answer my question, why are you all perky and happy and such. OMG! Tell my you finally did it!"

"Eeewww. No. You're so gross I swear. He kissed my cheek."

"Oh. Well that's not exciting at all."

"You weren't there okay. You don't know."

She just rolled her eyes and went back up to her room. Sometimes I wonder about her.

It was hard for me to fall asleep that night. I was to busy wriggling and squirming in my bed thinking about what he said. 'I love looking at you beautiful face'.

The way he said it was just, perfect! He was perfect!

So this is what I was missing out on by being a loner. Huh. I think I'll have to rethink my life choices.

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