18- reconnecting

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Okay. Now or never. Just ring the door bell lex. Go on. Just ring it. it'll be easy lex. Talk to him. nothing's has changed. he's still dorky Nelson. well hot, attractive, sexy Nelson. I guess he's always been that way. I just never saw him like that.

Okay here we go. I'm going to ring the doorbell in five, four, three, two, one. *ding dong*

OMG I did it! Okay now I'll just wait.

"Oh, hello dear" ugh. It's Nelsons mom.

"Oh, hi mrs. Smith, is nelson here?"

"He's out back working on something. you welcome to go look for him."

"Alright, thanks"

I walk out back to find him and I don't see him. Then there he comes, walking back shirtless, jeans hanging low on his waist with a towel around his shoulder. He looks super hot. I'm trying not to look at him, but it's a little hard not to.

"Hey lexie" he said

Oh crap. He's still mad. he used my full name.

"Umm, hey nelson. I've been meaning to talk to you."


"Yeah, but uh, what are you working on?" I said trying to keep my attention on his face.

"My dads old motorcycle, but I don't think that's what you came here to talk about."

"It's not. So Nelson, lets talk about it"

"About what?" He asked

"you know what."

"Well, which what are we talking about?"


"There two what's we could be talking about. Which one?" He said as he was getting closer to me.

"Both, I guess."

"Okay well let's start with the Michael one." He said


"I'm guessing you're not seeing him anymore since I haven't seen him around here." He was right.

"Yeah. you were right about him" I said, feeling my eyes burning with tears, but I will not let them fall down.

I think he can sense that I'm upset though because he put a hand on my shoulder, and is now looking at me like I'm a poor puppy.

"Look, lex I didn't want to be right. I hate to see you sad."

"I know. but I'm glad that I'm not oblivious anymore. I'd rather know that now know and still stupidly be with him." One tear drop fell. great.

He wiped it away with his thumb and had his hand renting on my cheek.

We started at each other's eyes for a while. he has beautiful eyes. I could easily get lost in them.

"I'm sorry." he sad in a whisper.

"For what?"

"Well first for kissing you. I gotta tell you that confused me for a while. it was just so different, but good different." he said. I can feel my stomach knotting up.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"And I'm also sorry that I had to be the one to tell you about Michael. I wish I didn't have to, but I couldn't let you continue seeing him after knowing what I know."

"I know."

"And I'm sorry that it's taken us this long to talk. these last couple of weeks have really sucked because I haven't been able to talk to you. I should've gone over there sooner but i didn't think you wanted to talk yet." He finished

"I thought you were mad at me." I said

"Why would I be mad at you? If
anything you would be mad at me."

"I don't know."

I am not leaning up against his tool shed in the shade. he is about a five inches away from me just looking me. still shirtless, still hot.

He has a huge height advantage over me. he isn't like extremely tall or any thing. he is either 5' 11" or barely 6' 0".
But for someone who is 5' 1" on a good day, it's still pretty tall.

I'm having to look almost directly up to have eye contact. he is looking directly down. we are once again just staring at each others eyes.

He breaks the eye contact and sits down against to tool shed. next to me. slide down to be sitting next to him.

"Sorry, but this would have been kind of hard with the height difference" he said

"What would've been hard?"

"This" he uttered before pulling me into a kiss.

Just how I remember his lips. Again I felt the fire works. I thought that would only happen once, but I guess not.its happening again.

He has pulled me up to were i am pretty much sitting on his lap. We are still kissing and the fire works are still popping.

His hands are on my back and mine wrapped around his neck. this is like one of those make out sessions you see in the movies.

Finally, after a few minutes, he slowly separates out lips. we both have shallow breathing and our foreheads are resting on each other's.

"So. what now?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He said.

"Like, where do we go from here."

"Well lex, I don't know. spring break is almost over and you'll have to see Michael at school. he's your lab partner. are you ready to see him again?"

"Ugh. I really don't want to. can't I just skip school."

"No you can't. if you want, I can take you"

"Don't you have college?"

"Our spring break doesn't end for a couple more days."


"so tomorrow morning come over here and I'll take you. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Oh and by the way, how can you handle being in college when you're the age of an 11th grader. I know I couldn't do it."

"Well, I don't really do a lot of the things that normal people do in college because of age, so that kind of sucks. but then again I don't have to deal with the immature people that are our age, so there's a bonus."

"Oh. Okay. So I should go now." I said awkwardly.

"Um, yeah okay. see you tomorrow lex."

"Yeah, bye nelson."

"Wait one last thing." He said


And he pulled me into another kiss. I had to stand on my tip toes of course but it didn't bother me.

"Bye" I finally said after he pulled away.

And just like that I ran from his backyard to my house. that is a relief however to know that Nelson isn't mad at me. I was starting to get worried that he didn't like me any more even as a friend.

If that ever happened, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

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