5-awkard situations

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After the next couple of weeks my days continued as normal. I went to school, Had little conversations with Nelson, continued to hate my classes, and everything like that. But the one thing that had changed for the better was me hanging around Michael.

Michael and I usually got to school around the same time so when I got there, he would walk with me to my home room and we would have little conversations about little random things.

It was actually really nice to have someone to talk to at school other than Kim. I love Kim, I really do, but there only so much Kim you can take on a day to day basis. It's like if you take medicine, you need just the right amount for you to feel better and make you happy. However if you take to much of the medicine you can get sicker than you were and get worse. Kim is medicine.

Michael had become like a close friend to me. It was really exciting having another friend in my life. I was less bored than I used to be and I had things to talk about. This is the most interesting my life has ever been. Is this what popular people feel all the time? If it is I think I might have to get in with the popular crowd. LOL, jk, like they would talk to my any ways. Maybe Jennifer was right. Maybe I should break free of my cacoon.

Another week had passed and it was Friday again. Oh joyous Friday! Me and Michael were just talking about what would happen if a koala thought you were a tree. Every thing was perfectly normal, well, as normal as talking about koalas can be.

Then, all of a sudden, he said something that made me really question Jennifer for wanting me to be social with friends and acquaintances and such. I take it back. Jennifer was NOT right. Ugh. I'm never going to make another friend ever again! I'll stick with Kim.

He asked me out. Like on a date. tomorrow. This was bad. I'm hyper ventilating. Not that like I don't like him because quite honesty I have no idea if I do or if I don't.

I haven't really thought about it but what if I did like him? Then I would feel really awkward around him. I literally JUST got past my awkward argue with him and I was finally getting comfortable around him and this might ruin it.

What if I'm a total spazz of out date? What if I make him feel weird or something. Or what if I gross him out with my bad table manners?

I just came to the realization that I've been standing here for like three minutes just thinking about all the things that could go wrong, and I still haven't answered him.

He interrupted my thoughts when he said "uhh, so should I take your silence as a no?" I couldn't do any thing. I just stood there or knowing what to do. "Okaayy... So I'll leave now" Michael said as he walked away.

It wasn't because of he asked me out that made me so upset about having more friends. It was my reaction that made me so mortified. I mentally slapped myself after what I did

Ugh I feel so awful about that. Why didn't I say anything? I'm such a dweeb. And I'm still standing here. Am I in shock or something? I don't know. What I do know is that I just made made myself look stupid in front of Michael. The guy I might possibly like but not sure.

Authors note:
I know I use the word "awkward" a lot in this book but it's because Lexie is just an awkward person and there is no better word to describe her. That's all :)

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