10-how to handle intruders

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The next couple of weeks I started talking to Michael everyday. We would just laugh and chat at lunch, school, after school, and we even drive each other to places like all the time.

The other day I had heard him talking to this girl and when she said "we should see a movie sometime" he looked at her and was like "sorry, but I really can't."

I know he could have, he just didn't want to. That makes me happy.

The only thing that is bothering me is that since I've been hanging out with Michael so much Kim has been kind of distant. I think she's mad that I don't take her to school anymore. I really don't know though. Oh well, this is just another one of this 'dramatic kim' phases she is going through. She'll get over it.

It's a Thursday and on Thursdays we've decided that Michael will takes me to school and take me home.

We're in the car on the way home just listening to some music like we usually do.

"So lex, what are you doing tomorrow night?" Michael said over the taylor swift that was playing.(I got to choose the music)

"Nothin, why?"

"Because there is a movie called death city, and I might be a little scared to see it on my own. Will you come?"

Okay ummm... I'm deathly afraid of horror movies. Like, I still sleep with a stuffed bear and I have to keep a night light. I doubt I will make it through that movie.

"Um, sure." Wow Lexie. Now he's going to see you cry. Great.

"Okay cool, so ill see you tomorrow?" He said as he pulled in front of my house.

"Yeah, don't forget I'm driving you to school tomorrow."

"Kay, bye lex"

"Bye" I said as I started walking towards my house.

I'm hearing something coming from my drive way. What did my mom say to do if there was ever an intruder? Oh yeah grab the bat.

I go and get the bat from our house. It a big heavy metal one. I slowly walk out to where I hear the noises. My blood is pumping so hard and my adrenaline is running.

I see the back of someone's head. Instantly I go behind them and whack their back with the bat until their down on the ground.

I felt so proud of myself until I saw who I just hit. Nelson. Of course.

"Holy crap, Nelson! Are you okay"

He didn't respond. Just made a bunch of grunting noises.

"Do you need help or something? Want me to call 911 cuz I will!" Okay I'm officially freaked out he still haven't said anything.

"Go-go get, argh, get ice" Nelson said weakly as he was still in a fetal position on my drive way.

"Okay, I'm going"

I head inside to get the ice and as I start heading back outside, I can see Nelson trying to position him self to stand up.

I rush out to him to try and hold him steady. He is still making those weird grunting noises caused by the pain.

"I'm gunna help you get inside, okay?" I tell Nelson as I start walking him inside.
He just nods in response.

I get him inside and lay him on the couch. He takes his shirt off so that I can ice the wound directly.

Ouch, I hit him pretty hard. Actually, extremely hard. He already has black and blue bruises all across his back.

Right now he is laying on his stomach giving me his back so that I can put the ice on it.

While I am putting it on I ask him, "what were you doing at my house?"

"Your mom wanted help with her hedges so I trimmed them."

Oh now I feel bad for whacking him. Not that I didn't feel bad before but, you know.

"Okay I'm going to go get a heating pad for you to lay down on."

"Okay." He said

I want upstairs to get the heating pack. As I was walking downstairs, Nelson was sitting up preparing to say down on the heating pad.

I've never seen Nelson shirtless before, but man, It was a sight. I already knew he had good bicep muscles, but I didn't know how toned he was all around. He had rippling back muscles that flowed to his shoulders. He even had toned pecks, that led to a great six pack.

He was sweating from the work he was doing so his muscles were glistening as he moved. His shorts were at just the right height that I could see his V line. I'm not gunna lie, he is attractive.

I think I've stared at him a little too long though, cuz he hollered up for me. Good thing he couldn't turn around or else he would have seen me drooling over his body. that would have been embarrassing.

Right as he hollered for me I trotted down the stairs with the heating pad in hand.

"Here" I said as I plugged it in and laid it on the couch.

"Lay on this."

"Kay, thanks lex."

"No need to thank me, I am the one who hit you with a bat."

"Yeah, why did you do that?"

"I thought you were an intruder! How was I s'possed to know it was just you?"

"I don't know lex, maybe you could have looked?"

"Alright mister know it all, lay down."

He positioned himself so that his injured part could be on the heat.

"So, I saw you talking to lover boy, are you still seeing him?"

"His name is Michael, and yes. I am. We're going to see death city tomorrow night."

"Umm, you know your scared of anything horror, right?"

"Yes, I know. I guess I'll just try not to watch the movie as we're watching it. What about you. Why don't you go get a date?"

"Because I haven't met any one who lives up to my standards yet. I can't just go date any one you know."

"Ugh, you're so difficult, you know that?"

"Yeah I know."

Thirty minutes later I came back downstairs and found Nelson asleep on my couch. He looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him. Oh well. I'll just leave him be.

I went up to my room and started my homework. Trigonometry. This is going to be a long night.

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