Part 1

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'Ugh, I hate this' I thought to myself as I brushed my (H/C) hair. Today I had another audition for a TV show called 'Stranger Things'. I had auditioned for 4 shows and this one was going to be my fifth. (And if your wondering, no I didn't get any of those parts I had auditioned for) My parents really want me to become a movie star because of all the fame and money actresses receive. I'm not that good at acting, but I try my best so I don't let my parents down. I'm not really enthusiastic about this audition because since I have literally no experience on acting, I'm not really a good option for casting directors. I'm used to not getting picked.

"Are you ready Y/N!?" My mum yelled from our livingroom.

"I'm coming mum!" I say as I grab my purse and walk out my room. I run down the stairs and see my mum and father sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Are you excited Y/N?" My father asks as we all get in the car. "Eh, not really" I reply while putting on my airpods. I put on my favorite playlist, which contains all my favorite 'Girl in Red' songs. I put on 'Fell inlove in October' and stared out the window, watching my house go farther, and farther away.

Time Skip! (Bec I'm a lazy bitch)😗✌

After 20 minutes of driving, (and 20 minutes of listening to Girl in Red) we arrived to the building where they were holding auditions. Me, my mum and father got out the car and went inside. When we got inside, there was a lot of people standing outside a specific door. When we walked passed all the people, I heard a girl saying "Omg, omg, omg, I think there in there!!"

After walking for a while, we found the room where the Stranger Things auditions were being held. When me and my parents walked in there, we saw HUNDREDS of people waiting for an audition. Me and my parents sat down on a couch that was empty and we waited for my turn.

After a couple of minutes sitting there, 1 person came out a room that I'm assuming is where the auditions are being held at. Then, the lady takes out a clip board and starts to look at it. Then after looking she yells "Is Y/N L/N here?" I raise my hand as I feel eyes on me. "We are ready for you!" She replys while walking back into the room. I got up and was about to walk to the room when my father says something to me. "Good luck Y/N!"

"Thanks dad!" I respond as I walk away. When I enter the room, I see 5 people all sitting around one table. I recognized 3 people. I first recognized the Duffer Borthers, Ross and Matt. Then I recognized one of my favorite directors Shawn Levy!

"Hello, you must be Y/N! I'm Matt, and this is my brother Ross!" Matt says as Ross gives me a friendly wave. I wave back as Matt continues to talk "And right across the table we have Director Shawn Levy, and some producers from the show!"

"So Y/N, before you start, we just want to ask you some questions!" Ross says as he takes out a clipboard and a pencil. "O-Ok" I reply

"So, how long have you been acting?" Ross asks. "I-I never go-got a part in-in a show before" I reply nervously. Ross nods his head as he writes something down on his clipboard. "Ok, next question, are you familiar with being on set? Not having a roll, just physically being on set"

"I h-have been on set b-before" I reply

Ross nods his head again while writing something down on the clipboard. "Ok, last question, how well do you work with others?"

"I think I-I do well working with others."

Ross nods his head again while writing something down on the clipboard. "Ok Y/N, you can start when your ready!"

"O-Ok" I start performing a scene from Stranger Things.

After I'm done with the scene, everyone immediately stands up from there chairs and start to clap. "Bravo" Shawn says still clapping.

"I think we just found our new co-star!" Matt says while writing something down on his clipboard. "W-Wait, really!?" I ask in shock. "Yes! Your just the person we are looking for!" Shawn finishes

Matt, Ross and Shawn walk up to me and they shake my hand. After shaking all there hands, Matt asks me a question. "Would you like to meet the rest of the cast?"

"Of course!" I reply with excitement in my voice. OMG OMG OMG! I can't believe I'm going to be in one of the most popular shows in Netflix!! I think to myself as Ross and Matt show me to the room the rest of the cast are in.

We walk into the room me and my parents passed by earlier with all the crazy fans. "OMG! I THINK THATS THE NEW GIRL IN THE CAST!!" One of the fans yell as we walk in the room.

When we get inside the room, the first thing I see when I enter the room is a beautiful ginger haired girl sitting on a couch. We both make eye contact, giving me butterflies In my stomach. "Hey everyone, I would like you to meet your new co-star, Y/N!" Matt yells as the rest of the cast looks at me.

They all walk up to me, giving me friendly smiles. "Hey Y/N! Welcome to the Stranger Things cast! I'm Sadie!" The ginger haired girl says while taking her hand out to shake. "H-Hey" I say while shaking her hand. We shake hands for about 30 seconds before a girl with a British accent says something to me. "Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Millie!"

"H-hi Millie" I say while letting go of Sadie's hand.

After the rest of the cast introduces themselves, Matt and Ross leave to go get the scripts for season 3, leaving me with the rest of the cast.

I start to get very nervous because I don't really talk that much.

"So Y/N, where are you from?" Sadie asks while sitting back down on the couch. She pats the seat next to her, motioning me to sit there. I nervously sit down next to her, trying to keep my distance. (If you haven't figured out already, I'm pretty shy)

"I-I'm from (H/T), w-what ab-about you?" I ask while looking into her blue eyes. Something about her seems so joyful, so amazing.

'Do I have a crush on her!?' I thought to myself

'N-No, that's impossible, I literaly just met her today!'

"Uhm, are you ok YN?" Sadie asks. I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and saw Sadie trying to get my attention. "O-Omg I am s-sorry!" I apologize. Sadie let's out a small giggle which causes me to blush a little. 'Shes so cute' I thought to myself.

♧Sadie's POV♧
As I was talking to Y/N about where I'm from, I notice she was really concentrating on my eyes. "Uhm, are you ok YN?" I ask. She immediately snapped out of her thoughts and realized that I was trying to get her attention. "O-Omg, I am s-sorry!" Her apologizing made me giggle just a little bit.

'Shes so funny' I thought to myself.

First part!💖👄💖
Sorry that this kinda sucked😅

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