Part 19

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"I need to tell you something.." Sadie said.


"I love you..."

I stare at her in shock. I couldn't believe my crush actually liked me back- no, no, no....loved me back!

"I do too" we got closer, staring into each others eyes at the same time.

We kissed...

"Hey Y/N! Wake up!!" I felt someone shaking me.

I open my eyes to see Sadie trying to wake me up. 'It was all a dream!?' I thought.

"Hey Y/N, I checked our schedule and we start filming today!" Sadie exclaims.

I got up and realized that today was the day for our schedule. "What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 7:14 AM. Filming always starts at 10:00 so we have time."

"Ok, do you want me to drop you off at home? Or do you want to stay here?" I ask, hoping she picks to stay.

"I'll stay! But could I take a shower here?" She asks.

I nod my head as I hand her a clean towel. "The bathroom is d-down the hall" I exclaim.

"Ok, thank you! Can I also borrow some clothes? I didn't bring extras"

"Of course! You can p-pick out anything in my cl-closet" I point to my closet as she walks over, observing the clothes.

She picks out a cute orange sweater and some ripped jeans. 👇

(Srry if you don't like the outfit

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(Srry if you don't like the outfit. You can imagine Sadie wearing something else if you want :)

"I'm gonna wear this, if that's ok!"

"O-Of course!"

"Ok, thanks Y/N! I'll be in the shower!" Sadie walks away.

I get off of my bed and I go to the kitchen to make me and Sadie some breakfast. I decided on making pancakes since all you needed was pancake mix and water.

As I start making it, I can hear Sadie singing in the shower.

"But when she loves me, I feel like I'm floating~ when she calls me pretty~ I...feel like somebody~ even when we fade eventually~ I'm nothing! You will always be my favorite form of loving!" She sang. (A/N: I changed the pronouns of the song to she)

I could tell she was singing 'Cloud 9' by Beach Bunny. It was a good song so I sang with her.

"When I start to tumble from the remind me how to fly! Lately I've been feelin' not alive! But you bring me back to life!!" I sang.

I'm guessing Sadie could hear me sing because right after that, she sang the next part.

"But when she loves me, I feel like I'm floating~ when she calls me pretty~ I...feel like somebody~ even when we fade eventually~ I'm nothing! You will always be my favorite form of loving!" She sang.

There was only one more verse left of the song so I decided to sing along with her.

But when she loves me, I feel like I'm floating~ when she calls me pretty~ I...feel like somebody~ even when we fade eventually~ I'm nothing! You will always be my favorite form of loving!" We both sang.

After about 10 more minutes of me making pancakes, I heard Sadie come out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

"Hey Y/N, you didn't tell me you were so good at singing!!" Sadie exclaims.

I blushed a little bit before replying.

"T-Thanks, you didn't te-tell me either"

"Aww, thanks Y/N! But I'm pretty sure I sound like a dying horse when I sing."

I frowned from that comment. It sucks that Sadie feels that way about herself, even if its just her singing. Shes perfect in every possible way. I just wish she could see that.
Heyy!! I hope you enjoyed! Beach Bunny is my favorite band so I'm probably going to put more of their songs in my story. Stay safe bubbas!💜

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