Part 21

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On set
"Ok guys! Today is our first day of filming so we have a lot of things to do! First off, we need someone to show Y/N where the hair stylist is." Ross yells.

"I can show her!" Sadie grabs my hand and we both walk away from everyone else.

Sadie's POV
I volunteered to show Y/N where the hair stylist was.

The hair stylist's name is Sarah. She's pretty nice. She's really pretty. I haven't seen her since we filmed season 2 so I'm excited to see her!

"Are you excited?" I ask Y/N. She seemed to be nervous so I wanted to make sure she was ok.

"Yea..i-im excited"

"Don't worry, the hair stylist is really nice! Her name is Sarah and she is really talented!"


About 3 minutes later we get to the trailer of the hair stylist.

"Here we are!" I let go of her hand and I walk inside with her.

When we get inside I see Sarah sitting on a chair, on her phone. When she sees us, she immediately gets off her chair. "Oh my god...hi ladies!! You must be the new cast member! Y/N!"

When Sarah said my name I was a tiny bit startled. I didn't think she would know my name.

"Well come and sit! I have the perfect hairstyle for you!" She says.

I nod my head as I sit down in the chair. I look at Sadie and she smiles a reassuring smile. And of course I smile back.

"So how are you hun?" Sarah asks.

"G-Good, you?"

"I'm doin' fine!"

Then, she takes out photograph and hands it to me. "I'm gonna be doin this hairstyle!" She exclaims.

(A/N: if you dont like this hairstyle, you could change it! I don't mind :)

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(A/N: if you dont like this hairstyle, you could change it! I don't mind :)

"Ok" I hand her the photograph back and she starts to do my hair. I look over at Sadie to see her smiling at me. I smile back.

"I'll be right back Y/N, I have to go put on my costume! But I'll be back!" She leaves the trailer, leaving me alone with the stylist.

"Are you nervous hun?" She asks.


"Well don't be! Trust me your gonna have one hell of a time!" She laughs.

I'm not going to lie, that comment made me feel kinda better.

"Thanks" I smile at her.

On the actual set lmao
"Ok! We are going to start at the scene where Daisy and Will meet! So I need Y/N and Noah here right now!" Matt yells.

I walk over to the spot where one of the producers told me to go. I waited awhile before Matt yelled 'ACTION'

I had to wait for my cue to walk into the scene.

I saw Shawn signaling me to walk so I did.

After the scene
"And...CUT! That was perfect! Give Y/N and Noah and round of applause!" Everyone starts to clap, including Sadie.

"That was great! Take 5!" Shawn leaves the room with Matt and Ross and all the other producers, leaving me with Noah and Sadie.

"That was amazing for your first scene!" Sadie runs up to me and hugs me.

"I agree with Sadie, you were pretty good Y/N!" He comes over and pats my shoulder as Sadie continues to hug me. Which I don't mind.

After the hug me, Sadie and Noah return to our own trailers.
Hiii! Sorry for the slow updates😂 I hope you enjoyed tho! Stay safe bubbas!💜

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