Part 23

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"Has Y/N ever told you about the time when she fell into the pool because she thought there were ducks behind her?" My mum laughed. (The fact that it actually happened to me is so funny 😭)

At this point my mum was just trying to embarrass me infront of Sadie and I hated every second of it. And my dad wasn't doing anything about it but laughing along with my mum and Sadie.

"Omg, that's so funny!" Sadie laughs.

"Haha yep, so funny" I whispered sarcastically.

"What was that honey?" My mum asked.

"O-Oh, nothing. I'm going to head to the bathroom really quickly" I get up off my chair and I quickly walk to the bathroom.

Sadie's POV
So I think it's going good. So far Y/N's mum didn't give me any criticism so i'm happy. As long as both Y/N's mum and dad like me, I'll be ok.

"Y/N is a very special girl, I just hope we don't get a repeat of what happened last year" Y/N's mum says.

"What happened last year?" I asked.

"Well, Y/N had a friend named Stacey. I never really liked her but Y/N had a really special bond with her so I just didn't mind. Eventually, Y/N told Stacey that she liked her and they both started dating. One day Y/N found out that Stacey didn't really like her back. Stacey was just leading her on. Y/N got bullied a lot after that. That's how she developed her stutter. We allowed her to move schools after that but she still has a hard time trusting people. Sometimes me and her father are worried that she might end up being alone."

"W-Wow...I am so sorry. I must be really hard for Y/N"

"We try not to mention it often, could you maybe-"

"Don't worry, I won't tell" I interrupted. I gave her a little smile. She smiled back while grabbing her husbands hand and rubbing it.

"Thank you so much. We really appreciate it. We are so glad that our daughter finally made a friend." She looks at her husband, then at me.

Then, right after she said that, Y/N comes back from the bathroom"

"H-Hey guys, watcha talking a-about?" She says as she sits down.

"Oh nothing, I was just asking Sadie if she liked my cookies. I made up the recipe myself!"

"Omg, really!? Wow that's so cool! I really love them."

"Thank you Sadie, it means a lot" She says, smiling.

Time skip mother fawkers because COVID made me lazy

Btw, still Sadie's POV
"Thank you so much for having me!" I got up from my chair and I went over to give Y/N's mum a hug.

"Aww, well thank you for coming! It was so lovely to have you!" She says, hugging me back.

"I'm g-going to give Sadie a ride back home, it w-won't take long" Y/N said.

"Ok Y/N, drive safely!" Y/N's dad said.

"Ok, I-I will" Y/N said.

Holy mother of fawks it's been a while since I posted. I'm extremely sorry about that. COVID is slowing going away and everything is kinda getting back to normal so I have hella shit to do. Thank you sm for all the support btw! It really means a lot to me! I promise I will try my very best to update more often. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe bubbas!! 💜

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