Part 16

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"Y-Yep I am" I reply

My mum and dad look at each other, still in shock. "Who!?" They both ask.

I start to get very nervous. 'Should I tell them!? What if they don't support! What if they hate me for it...'

All of those thoughts are circling around my head as I try to come up with an answer. "Uh- I-"

"Well who is it? Is it someone we know?" My mum asks.

"N-Not re-really" I reply.

"Just tell us!" My father says.

"Fine! I'll tell you guys, but can you both promise something?" I ask.

They both look at each other and nod thier heads.

" know how pride month is on February?" I ask.

They look at each other again in confusion. "So uh, I'm guessing you both didn't know that?" I ask.

"Where are you going with this?" My father asks.

"I'm trying to find a nice and calm way to say this...but I can't think of one so I'm just gonna tell you both straight up. I don't like boys, I'm into girls.."

They both continue to stare at me, speechless. I start to regret telling them until my mum speaks up. "Y-Your gay?" She asks.

"Well, I'm basically a lesbian...but yea" I start to play with my fingers, getting anxious by the second.

"W-Wow...IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" My mum yells. She gets up off the couch and gives me a huge hug. Ny father smiles and gets up to hug me aswell. "Wait, your not mad!?" I ask.

"Why would we be mad!? Me and your father are very proud of you for coming out! It takes a lot of courage to express yourself and that's what you did. Me and your father couldn't be prouder!" They continue to hug me as I obviously hug back.

"Now, can you tell us who are going on the date with?" My father asks.

"Sadie, I'm going with Sadie"

"Who's Sadie?" They ask in sync.

I shake my head as I take out my phone. I look up a picture of Sadie Sink on my phone. "Here, this is Sadie" I show them the picture.

"Ohhhhh! Do you mean MadMax? From Stranger Things?" My father asks. I nod my head as I put my phone away.

"Aren't you going to be working with her?"

"Yes mum, but we haven't talked about that yet. Now if you will excuse me, the date starts at 2:00 and I have to pick her up!" I grab my mini backpack and I grab my car keys. "Have fun sweetie!" My mum yells.

"But not too much fun!" My dad adds. I laugh as I wave to them and close the door.

At Sadie's house

'What if she changes her mind last minute!? Or what if she doesn't like me that way!? What if she thinks were just friends and nothing more...'

As those thoughts ran through my head, I didn't realize that I was already at Sadie's door. I quickly start to panic, wondering if this was a mistake.

But before I could do anything, the front door opened...revealing the most beautiful girl in the world. Sadie of course!

I look up and down at her. She has the most beautiful dress I have ever seen and she even had makeup. I'm not really sure why she put makeup on, she already looks beautiful without it.

♡Strangers With Love♡ Sadie Sink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now