Part 4

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Noah's POV
After the talk I had with Y/N, we were infront of the line. "Hello, how may I help you guys today?" Asked the worker.

"Yea, I'll have a medium vanilla milkshake"

I look at Y/N "Do you want anything?" I ask.

"I-I'll ha-have a sm-small strawberry mi-milkshake" Y/N tells the worker.

"Ok that will be $5!" I reach in my pocket to take out my $5 but Y/N beats me to it. She gives the worker a $10 bill. "Ok, thank you, your order will take about 3 minutes" the lady says walking away. "Why did you pay?" I ask Y/N as were waiting by the counter.

"I-I wan-wanted to be-be polite" Y/N exclaims, looking at her shoes.

"Well, thank you, I will pay you ba-"

"N-No need" Y/N interupts

We talk for about 3 more minutes until the milkshakes were done. "Here you kids go, have a nice day!" The worker says as she hands us our milkshakes. Me and Y/N walk back to the booth and see everyone else waiting for us. "FINALY! You both took Soooooo long!" Millie complains

"Sorry, me and Y/N wanted to get milkshakes!"

"Anyways, let's go back my house and we all can do something there!" Sadie offers. We all agree and we all walk outside.

Luckly there wasn't a lot of paparazzi outside but there was still people. About 3 people came up to us to ask questions. "Who is that girl standing next to Sadie!?" One of the people taking pictures asks.

I look over to Sadie and I see Y/N standing next to her looking very nervous. "Shes just a friend of all of us!" Caleb says to the guy.

"Will she be part of the sh-"

"Uhmmm, were sorry but we all have to go" Millie interrupts

She grabs Y/N's hand and drags her to the car with the rest of us following her.

Time skip! (Sorry, I'm lazy)

Sadie's POV
When we got to my house, Gaten and Finn had to leave to go do something. So it was only me, Y/N, Noah, Caleb and Millie.

"So, what should we do?" Millie asks.

"Let's watch a movie!" I suggest

Everyone agrees as we all sit down on the couch. "Let's watch a scary movie!" Noah suggests.

"Noooo! I hate scary movies!"

"M-Me to-to" Y/N agrees with me.

I look at her and I give her a smile as she smiles back.

"Let's watch a musical!" Millie suggests

We all agree on watching 'Hamilton'
Sorry this part is really short, I tried my best to make this as fast as I could 😅

♡Strangers With Love♡ Sadie Sink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now