Part 11

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"Hey guys, whatcha doin?" Finn asks.

"I was teaching Y/N how to make a tiktok, like a good friend would!" Noah exclaims.

"Uhh, ok? Anyways, I'll show you to your trailer, Y/N"


Finn starts walking and I follow. "So, I don't usually 'ship' anyone with anyone, but you and Sadie are just, really obvious"

"W-What?" I ask.

"It's just that, last week during the party, you and Sadie were dancing, looking into each others eyes, blushing like crazy, and talking a lot" Finn says.

"S-So? that's what friends d-d-do" I say.

"Oh really? Me and Millie are friends but you don't see me flirting with her 24/7!"

"I-I don't flirt w-with Sadie!" I claim.

"Sure you don't" Finn says in a sarcastic voice. "Look, if you like her, you can just tell me!"

"I-I don't!"

Finn gives me a 'are you sure about that' look. "W-What?" I ask. "I'm just sayin' if you like her, I would go for her, shes nice, pretty, funny, and smart. And I can tell she really likes you."

"Do y-you lik-like her?" I ask.

"No, I have my eye on someone else, but if I were you, I would at least ask her on a date!" Finn exclaims. After Finn talking about how I should tell Sadie, he finally shows me to my trailer. "Ok, here's your trailer! It's right next to Sadie's on your right, and next to Caleb's on your left, I'll be 2 trailers down if you need me!"

"T-Thanks Finn!" I walk to my trailer and I see a envelope with my name on it. I open the envelope and I see a note with a key inside. The note said:

Dear Y/N,
Here is the key to your trailer. The fitting will start at 11:00 AM. Until then, make yourself comfortable inside the trailer. Your schedule for filming will be on the coffee table inside. A woman named Darcy will come at 11:00 for the fitting, if you have any other questions, please either contact me or Ross, we are both excited about filming season 3! And we can't wait to see your acting performance!

                      -Matt Duffer

I stuff the note inside my pocket and grab the key from the envelope and I open the door.

When I got inside, the first thing I saw was a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the countertop! I walk towards them and I observe them. They were roses, some were red, some were orange, some were pink, and some were yellow. I look on the counter to see if someone left a note. I look to my left to see a pretty pink envelope. I quickly grab it and immediately open it. The note said:

Dear Y/N,
Heyyy! I hope you like the flowers! I had some trouble picking out which ones you would like, so Millie helped me. I just wanted to give you a little present to welcome you to the cast 1 last time. I'll be next door if you need anything!

Love, Sadie♡

I start to blush uncontrollably. 'Omg omg omg, SADIE GAVE ME FLOWERSSSSS!!!' I thought to myself. I check my phone to see if I had time to thank Sadie before my fitting. "Yes, it's only 10:49, I have time" I thought to myself.

I grab the note and 1 orange rose before walking to Sadie's trailer. When I got there, on the door it said 'Sadie's Trailer' with little pink hearts around it. I smile at the sign before knocking on the door.

After about 10 seconds of me just staring at the door, I knock on it 3 times. About 15 seconds later, Sadie opens the door. Her reddish-brownish hair is up in a messy bun. Her green color eyes, sparkling in the sun. 'Sadie is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen'

"He-Hey Sadie, I just wanted to-to say thanks for the f-flowers, I actually brought one for yo-you to keep as a thank you gift!" I hand Sadie the rose. She starts to smile and blush at the same time. "Aww, thanks Y/N, I'm really glad you liked them! It took me a while to decide whether I should get roses or daisys! But I'm really glad you liked them!" She puts the rose to her nose and smells it.

After smelling the rose, she goes inside her trailer and puts the rose on a little table. Then she comes back out to the door. "Do you wanna come inside? My fitting dosen't start until 11:00 so we have time!" Sadie asks.

I nod my head as I walked inside. The whole trailer was filled with beautiful blue decorations. I could definitely tell that Sadie's favorite color was blue.

"Wow, you-your trailer is v-very cute" I said. "Thanks Y/N, I had this trailer since I was in season 2 so I had some time to decorate it!" Sadie says.

I sit down on her small couch. "Do you want anything to drink? Like soda or water?" Sadie asks. "Umm, I-ill have a Dr. Pepper" I said

(A/N: I'm sorry, BUT WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LIKE DR PEPPER!? WHY IS IT SO UNDERRATED!?) Anyways, back to the story💗

"Ok, I'll be right back!" Sadie leaves to go get the soda while I watch the tv in the room. After 2 minutes of me watching tv, I decide to see if Sadie needed any help. I walk to the small kitchen and I see Sadie on the floor, cleaning up a spilled soda.

"I-Ill help!" I grab some paper towels and I help clean the mess. "Thanks Y/N, I accidentally spilled some soda, but thank you!"

We both clean up the soda spill, but before we both get off the floor, our hands touch. I look into Sadie's eyes as she looks into mine (kinda like one of those cheesy romance movies if you know what I mean)

I stare into Sadie's eyes, her beautiful blue eyes, her adorable freckles complimented Sadie's other facial features. After about 1 minute of staring into each others eyes, we realize that were both still on the floor. We both laugh awkwardly as we get up off the floor. 'Well that was embarrassing' I thought to myself.
Hii!! I hope you enjoyed this part! Stay safe bubbas! 💜

♡Strangers With Love♡ Sadie Sink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now