Part 15

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The day of the Date (sorry for da huge time skip 😂)

Sadie's POV
Right now I'm getting ready to go on the date with Y/N. I put on the dress me and Millie got. And honestly, it looks pretty awesome!

(Pretend that the pic doesn't have that gorgeous ass girl, only the dress)

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(Pretend that the pic doesn't have that gorgeous ass girl, only the dress)

After I put on the dress, I put very little makeup on my face and I put on my dress shoes and I look in the mirror. 'Is this a bit too much? Maybe I should just wear a sweater and jeans...nah, Millie would kill me if she found out I didn't wear this dress' I thought. I texted Y/N to make sure that I had the right time for our date.



Hey Y/N does the date start at 2:00? I just wanted to make sure that I had the right time.

Yep, I'll pick u up tho!

You don't have to do that, I can drive myself!

Nope, I want our first date to be special :)

If u say so! I'll see u at 2


I check the time on my phone 'damn, it's only 1:17'

I get up and I walk over to my kitchen to get myself a glass of water.

After texting Sadie about the time, I check the clock to see what time it was. 'Ok it's only 1:19, I have time read a little bit before getting ready'

I take out my Harry Potter book and I began to read it.

About 20 minutes later

I put the book down and I check the time on my phone. 'Ok it's 1:39, I sould get ready' I thought

I went to my room and I check my closet to find a nice outfit to wear. I ended up picking a sweater and some jeans. I didn't want to wear something too fancy or formal since it's only a first date.

After I change, I went to my bathroom and I brushed my teeth

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After I change, I went to my bathroom and I brushed my teeth. While I was brushing my teeth, I heard a door open and close. 'It's probably my parents coming home from grocery shopping' I thought.

I finished brushing my teeth and I walk to the living room to check on my parents.

I see them sitting on the couch. "Hey mum! Hey dad!"

"Hey sweetie! What are you doing all dressed up?" My mum asks.

"Oh my god I completely forgot to tell you! I'm going on a date with someone!" I said. Both of my parents look at me, with a shocked expression.

"Y-Your going on a date!?" My father asks. I nod my head as I sit down on the couch with them.

"Wow, I can't believe our daughter is going on her first date!! Who is it?" My mum asks.

And that's when I realized that I had never told them I liked girls...
Heyy! Sorry if this part is short, I promise the next part will be extra long :) I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe Bubbas! 💜

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