Part 3

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After having to deal with the paparazzi AGAIN! We went inside the vegan smoothie bowl place Sadie was talking about.

When we got inside, there wasn't a lot of people so there was only 2 people in line at the register. "What are you going to want?" Sadie asks me as we walk in line. "I-I'm no-not sure"

"Want me to help you decide?" She asks as we move closer to the front of the line. "O-Ok" I say shyly. Then, she proceeds to ask me questions about fruits, juice, ect

"Do you like Mangos?"
"Do you like Oranges?"
"Do you like dragon fruit?"
"N-Never had it-it"
"Do you prefer orange juice, or apple juice?"
"Have you ever tried watermelon with pinapple?"
"Yea, in a-a smo-smoothie"

After all the questions we were infront of the line. "I think I know what smoothie you should try!" Sadie exclaims. She looks at the worker and states her order. "Hello! I will have a small Pinapple vegan smoothie bowl with little pieces of pineapple on top. And for my friend, she will have a mango vegan smoothie bowl with little pieces of Mango on top!" The worker nods her head as she puts down the order. "Ok, that will be $10.50 please" the worker exclaims. Sadie was about to give the worker a 10 dollar bill and a five but I quickly took out a 20 and gave it to the lady. "Ok, here ya go!" The lady gives me my change and receipt. "You both can sit at table 3 and wait for your bowls, they will be out is a couple of minutes!"

Me and Sadie walk to table number 3 and sit down. "You know you didn't have to pay, right?" Sadie asks. "I-I know, I j-just want-wanted to"

"Well, thank you! I will pay you back la-"

"No-No, need" I exclaim.

"Ok, let's do a little game to get to know each other, yea?" Sadie asks

I nod my head in response.

"Ok, the rules are we both have to put up 10 fingers, and everytime we have either done it or seen it we have to put a finger down, kinda like never have I ever, ok?"


"Ok, I'll go first, have you ever failed a grade?" Sadie asks.

Neither of us put a finger down. "Ok, your turn!"

I think for a minute before asking a question. "H-Have you ev-ever dated any-anyone?"

I put down a finger as Sadie still has all 10 fingers.

"Omg, your dating someone??" Sadie asks.

"U-used to, no-not anymore"

"If you don't mind me asking, who?" Sadie asks. I get a little nervous but I tell her anyway because for some reason, I trust her. I look at the table and I begin to tell her.

"There w-was this gir-girl at-at my school, he-her name w-was Stacey. She-she was my fir-first gir-girlfriend"

I look at Sadie, she looks very shocked at me. "A-are you ok?" I ask. She doesn't answer. "I-I-Im so-"

"No, no, no it's ok, sorry I'm just a little shocked at your know"

I think a little bit before I understand what shes talking about. "You mea-mean lesbian?" I ask

She smiles a little before nodding her head. I smile back before asking another question. "D-Do you li-like reading?"

Me and Sadie put a finger down at the same time. "You like reading? That's cool! What's your favorite book?" Sadie asks. "A t-totally awkward lo-love story"

"I have never heard of that one, is it good?" Sadie asks.

"Y-Yea, I also lo-love to read co-comics"

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