Part 2

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The video above is what song you were listening to in the car
After talking to Sadie for a while (more like Sadie talking to me, but I'm not complaining) Matt and Ross came and handed everyone there scripts. "Ok, you all have your scripts, you may leave, have a nice day and we will all see you in a week for the outfit fitting!" Matt yells.

I get off of the couch and was about to walk away until I hear Sadie's voice asking me something. "Hey YN, can I get your number?"

"Uhm, y-yea" Sadie hands me her phone and I type my phone number in, naming my contact Y/N💖

"Thanks YN, I'll see you later!" I hand Sadie her phone as she gives me a hug  and walks away.

I walk back to my parents giving them a smile. "I heard the news Y/N! Congratulations!!" My mum yells as she pulls me into a hug. "I'm proud of you!" My father yells, joining the hug. "Thanks guys"

Time skip! Like I said, I'm a lazy bitchh 😗✌

Sadie's POV
After we all received our scripts, me, Millie, Caleb, Finn, Gaten and Noah all decided to come over to my house to talk about Stranger Things 3.

The whole car ride home I was thinking about YN, I was thinking about her soft (H/C) hair, and her beautiful (E/C eye color) Eyes and how everytime she looks at me I feel butterfly's start to form. While I was thinking about her, I heard everyone else talking in the background.

"Hey Millie, what do you think about Y/N?" Finn asks.

"She seems shy but nice" Millie responds.

"Should we have invited her to come with us?" Caleb asks.

"Probably, should we ask her?"

"I have her phone number, I will ask her!" I took out my phone and texted Y/N.


Hey Y/N, it's Sadie! Me and the rest of the group were wondering if you wanted to come over to my house to talk about Stranger Things 3! Everyone else is coming, and we were wondering if you wanted to!

Sure, text me the address so I can come over

I live on **********
See you later!

Thanks Sadie, see u later

"She agreed, I texted her the address"

"That's good, hopefully shes nice" Finn adds.

Time Skip again (I'm still a lazy bitch) 👁👄👁

I was driving to Sadie's house, thinking about what I'm going to say when I get there. 'Sup everyone- no that's stupid' I thought to myself

'Heyyy- nah I'm not gonna do that'

'Watup my peeps- omg I'm dumb'

'I hate my anti-social ass' I thought to myself as I pull into the drive way. I get out my car and I walk up to the front door. I was about to knock when Sadie opens the door. "Hey Y/N! Glad your here!" Sadie says with a welcoming smile. "T-Thank you" I give her a smile back and I walk inside. As Sadie walks me to where everyone else is, I look at the walls and I see a bunch of pictures of Young Sadie. I couldn't help but smile about how adorable she is.

♡Strangers With Love♡ Sadie Sink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now