Part 5

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During the movie I get a call from my mum.

"I-I'll be ri-right back" I said as I walked outside.

"H-Hello?" I answer.

"Omg honey where have you been!? Me and are father have been worried sick! We haven't heard from you since your audition!" My mum exclaims.

"I'm sorry mum, but I have the best news ever!!"

"What? What is it honey?" My mum asks.

"I got a part in Stranger Things!"

I hear my mum scream of joy as she calls my father. "OUR DAUGHTER IS GOING TO BE A STAR!!" My mum yells to my dad.

"We are sooo proud of you kiddo!" My father exclaims. "Come home right now and tell us EVERYTHING"

"Ok, I'll see you guys later." I said as I hung up.

I go back inside and I grab my bag. "Are you going home?" Caleb asks. "Y-Yea, my mu-mum wan-wants me home"

"Well, it was nice meeting you Y/N!" Noah exclaims as he gets up off the couch and hugs me.

"I'll see you next week bestie!" Millie says as she proceeds to also hug me

"Your pretty cool Y/N, I'm very excited to be working with you" Caleb says as he shakes my hand.

"Do you need a ride Y/N?" Sadie asks.

"N-No thanks, my-my car is-is I-in the dri-drive way"

"Ok, well I'll walk you to the door!" Sadie offers.

Sadie gets up from the couch and walks with me to the front door. "It was really nice meeting you Y/N, I'll definitely text you later, ok?"

"O-Ok, tha-thanks for ha-having me" I exclaim as I walk to my car.

When I get inside my car I wave goodbye to Sadie as I back out of the drive way.

'Why the hell do I get so nervous around Sadie!?' I think to myself as I'm driving. 'And why do I stutter around the cast but not with my parents? Am I just that nervous?'

'Maybe I'm nervous because I just met these people today, or maybe it's the fact that I'm anti-social and that I don't have any friends'

'I wonder If they think I'm weird'

When I got home I got out of my car and I heard voices inside my house, but not just my mum and dad's voices.

I quickly run inside the house and I notice the lights are turned off.

I walk to the light switch and I turn my head.


I get startled by the screaming. When I calm down a little, I see Sadie, Finn, Gaten, Caleb, Millie, Noah, My mum my dad, and a couple of other people I never seen in my life.

"Oh-oh my go-god"

"Surprise!!" My mum yells once again.

"Did you think that we weren't gonna surprise you?" Millie exclaims as she grabs my hand.

She walks me to my kitchen with everyone else following us and I see a huge banner saying 'WELCOME TO THE CAST Y/N!'

I look to my right and I see a huge table with a fruit punch bowl, cups, and a bunch of different types of food. Like, cupcakes, cake, chips, candy, etc.

♡Strangers With Love♡ Sadie Sink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now