Part 20

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Sadie sat down at the kitchen table while I finish making the pancakes.

"Wow...they smell really good!" She compliments.

I turn my head and I smile at her. She smiles back which gives me butterflies in my tummy.


I grab 2 plates and I put 2 pancakes on each plate. I also grab 2 forks and 2 knives

I walk to the table and I hand Sadie her utensils and her food.

"Aww, thank you so much! It looks really good!"

"N-No problem Sadie" I sit on the other side of the table so that we were facing each other.

"I also didn't know that you liked Beach Bunny! What's your favorite song?" She asks.

"Umm, probably C-Cloud 9"

"Cool! My favorite is Sports!"
(A/N: the song at the top of this chapter is Sports, I recommend listening to it👻)


"What else music do you like?" She asks while taking a bite of her pancakes.

"Umm, I-I like girl in red.." I say quietly.

"Really!? Me too! Wow I didn't think that we would have the same taste in music but I guess we do! What a coincidence!" She smiles before talking another bite of her food.

I took a bite aswell. The pancakes were very good. I just hope that Sadie liked them.

We ate for about 10 minutes before Sadie's phone was ringing. She puts down her fork and picks up her phone. "It's Caleb!" She says.
She answers the phone.

A/N: Caleb is underlined and Sadie is italic (idk what its called)

"Hey Sadie! It's Caleb! Everyone is already here and we're wondering where you and Y/N are! I don't have Y/N's number so I couldn't call her."

"Sorry Caleb! I'm with Y/N right now, we're eating breakfast but we can come right now!"

"Ok Sadie, I'll see you and Y/N later!"

"Ok bye Caleb!"

Sadie hangs up the phone and puts it in her pocket. "Everyone is already on set, I think we should both go too!" Sadie exclaims.

"O-Ok, I'll drive!"

"Ok! Let's gooo!!" Sadie exclaims. I laugh a little bit at her excitment before getting up off my seat. I run to my parents room and I grab the extra car keys.

I walk back to the kitchen and I see Sadie waiting for me. "Ok, let's g-go!"

"Yess!" Sadie grabs my hand and walks outside with me. The whole time we were holding hands I was uncontrollably blushing. But that also got me thinking. Did Sadie feel the same way I was feeling? Or is she just being polite?
Hiii! I hope you enjoyed!! Stay safe bubbas!!💜

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